Course work

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Апреля 2013 в 16:57, курсовая работа

Описание работы

When choosing a theme for the course, I tried to pick one that would be most interesting to me, and one that reveals the issues that are important to our economy. And I chose. I think this topic is very interesting, since our country is new. Our republic is just beginning to take the first steps into the market economy, is faced with its laws. For a long time we have there a command economy. On concepts such as competition, monopoly, natural monopoly is not paying attention, because monopolies are, one might say, to what was then the economy.


The role of WTO in International Business organization
Advantage and disadvantage of WTO membership
Brief evaluation of economic development of Republic of Tajikistan as a member of WTO

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The benefits of the WTO system for the relations between the two countries is:

- To ensure equal opportunities for all participants;

The WTO system levels the playing field of all members by providing a voice small countries, limiting thus possible economic domination of larger states, which would be inevitable in the bilateral negotiations. Moreover, joining together in unions, small countries can do better in negotiations. At the same time, large, States Parties shall be exempt from the need to negotiate trade agreements with each of its many trading partners as well as the principle of non-discrimination, reached during negotiations levels obligations automatically apply to all WTO members.

- An effective dispute settlement mechanism;

The WTO system provides an effective mechanism for resolving trade disputes, which, being "left to fend for themselves," could lead to serious conflict. Before. World War II was not possible. After the war, trading countries in the negotiations agreed on terms of trade, which are now operating at the WTO. These include issuing its commitment to the WTO dispute and non-unilateral action. Every argument put to the WTO is seen primarily in terms of the relevant regulations. After the decision of the country are focusing on its implementation, and, possibly, subsequent revision of the rules and regulations through negotiations. Since the establishment of the WTO in 1995, about 200 disputes were submitted to it for consideration. [10] WTO agreements create the legal basis for a clear decision. An increasing number of disputes by voting in the WTO, does not indicate a growth of tension in the world, but rather to strengthen economic ties and increase the confidence of the system to resolve disputes.

- Strengthening international stability;

WTO trading system helps the smooth implementation of the country's trade and provides a constructive and fair mechanism to resolve disputes on trade issues, thus creating and enhancing international stability and cooperation. Thus, the overall benefits of WTO membership can be summarized as:

- Creating better access to world markets for goods and services based on the predictability and stability of trade relations with the countries-members of the WTO, including the transparency of their foreign policy;

- Access to the mechanism of the WTO dispute settlement that ensures the protection of national interests if they are infringed partners and, therefore, the elimination of discrimination;

- The ability to implement its current and strategic trade and economic interests through effective participation in multilateral trade negotiations (ICC) in the formulation of new rules of international trade.

World Trade Organization helps member states in various ways and this enables them to reap benefits such as:

Helps promote peace within nations: Peace is partly an outcome of two of the most fundamental principle of the trading system; helping trade flow smoothly and providing countries with a constructive and fair outlet for dealing with disputes over trade issues. Peace creates international confidence and cooperation that the WTO creates and reinforces.

Disputes are handled constructively: As trade expands in volume, in the numbers of products traded and in the number of countries and company trading, there is a greater chance that disputes will arise. WTO helps resolve these disputes peacefully and constructively. If this could be left to the member states, the dispute may lead to serious conflict, but lot of trade tension is reduced by organizations such as WTO.

Rules make life easier for all: WTO system is based on rules rather than power and this makes life easier for all trading nations. WTO reduces some inequalities giving smaller countries more voice, and at the same time freeing the major powers from the complexity of having to negotiate trade agreements with each of the member states.

Free trade cuts the cost of living: Protectionism is expensive, it raises prices, WTO lowers trade barriers through negotiation and applies the principle of non-discrimination. The result is reduced costs of production (because imports used in production are cheaper) and reduced prices of finished goods and services, and ultimately a lower cost of living.

It provides more choice of products and qualities: It gives consumer more choice and a broader range of qualities to choose from.

Trade raises income: Through WTO trade barriers are lowered and this increases imports and exports thus earning the country foreign exchange thus raising the country's income. Trade stimulates economic growth: With upward trend economic growth, jobs can be created and this can be enhanced by WTO through careful policy making and powers of freer trade. Basic principles make life more efficient: The basic principles make the system economically more efficient and they cut costs. Many benefits of the trading system are as a result of essential principle at the heart of the WTO system and they make life simpler for the enterprises directly involved in international trade and for the producers of goods/services. Such principles include; non-discrimination, transparency, increased certainty about trading conditions etc. together they make trading simpler, cutting company costs and increasing confidence in the future and this in turn means more job opportunities and better goods and services for consumers.




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