Simple commodity production

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Апреля 2013 в 01:15, реферат

Описание работы

The purpose of the essay is studying of essence of commodity production, its features and history of development. Also we should consider simple commodity production in the conditions of all modes of production, to define its role in economic process and urgency in the modern world.
The tasks of essay are:
to study the essence of commodity production;
to consider the history of development of commodity production;
to observe the Marxist theory about commodity production;
to determine peculiarities of simple commodity production;
to investigate simple commodity production in pre-capitalistic modes of production;
to study main contradictions in simple commodity production;
to determine the role of simple commodity production in modern world.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
I. The essence of commodity production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 The main features of commodity production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 History of development of commodity production and the economic
development in society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 The Marxist theory about a basis of development of society – commodity
production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
II. Simple commodity production as a basis of general commodity economy . . . .9
2.1 Definition of simple commodity production and its peculiarities . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Simple commodity production in pre-capitalistic modes of production . . 10
2.3 Main contradictions in simple commodity production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
III. Simple commodity production in modern world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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Between private and social activities of producers exists deep contradiction, main contradiction of commodity production. It essence in that private in the course of production nature of work can to show the public nature only in the market, in an exchange, when the producer on a product of the work (goods) will receive other goods. When the certain producer works separately from others, he doesn't know public requirements, doesn't know, how many the same use-values other producers, what thus will take out on the market expenses work will be recognized normal, socially admissible. In case use-values it appeared in the market more than it is required to buyers, or more norm is spent for their production of work, private work in whole or in part won't show the public character. Without having received public recognition, such work will appear useless, i.e. spent for nothing. A part of producers won't receive due material compensation in exchange for the goods. As a result they not can satisfy the requirements and normally continue process productions. In this case a contradiction between private and public by work it is shown in the destructive form involving the human tragedies.

The main contradiction of simple commodity production is shown in the various forms most important of which are: a contradiction between use-value and value; concrete and abstract work; sellers and buyers, etc.

Contradiction between public nature of work and its isolation is the main contradiction of commodity production. With reference to this contradiction is authorized to each goods in the market, but at the same time it constantly is reproduced as a contradiction of the commodity organization public economy as a whole.

Inclusion of cumulative social activities — the most difficult and the vital problem for each producer, for in a case failure he won't sell the product and will have in loss, and sometimes can and to be ruined. The problem is aggravated with that structure of the public requirements isn't constant, invariable, once and for all this. From time to time it is surely reconstructed, so, should to be reconstructed and production structure, structure of the cumulative social activities. Threat that its goods won't be realized, compel producer sensitively to react the pas market condition, constantly to adapt to it.

In its strengths of the commodity-money relations are shown also, forcing the producer tensely to work, look for, risk, and their inconsistent, limited, finally historically passing character.

Internal contradictions of commodity production and exchange of the certain in a way are reflected in consciousness of people that affects as their assessment economic events, and on behavior, acts. If at certain, often unpredictable combination of circumstances destiny the producer completely depends on, whether his goods will be sold, will receive whether it due compensation of the vital energy spent at goods manufacturing, quite clear there is an aspiration producer to estimate the phenomena following from interrelations of people in production process, as predetermined by a state of affairs (goods). As a result in the opinion of people things (goods) gain properties, which can't be actually inherent in them and which serve only reflection of certain economic relations. In particular, it is created impression that value or ability to an exchange is inherent in a thing (goods) from nature. Known mystification of the phenomena and processes of commodity production and an exchange Marx defined as commodity fetishism.

III. Simple commodity production in modern world

Simple commodity production as economic way exists in pre-socialist formations, and also in a transition period from capitalism by a socialism. Its specific weight during the modern period in developing countries is especially great. Typical representatives of a simple commodity economy are handicraftsmen and peasants. Both in simple, and in capitalist commodity production process of production, an exchange and distribution is carried out spontaneously, anarchically, leads to ruin of weight of producers. Under capitalism simple commodity production undergoes changes. If in pre-capitalistic formations small producers’ possessed full independence, made the goods, as a rule, directly on the market, under capitalism the capitalist enterprises become consumers of their production first of all. In a transition period from capitalism by socialism socialist transformation of a simple commodity economy by cooperation of peasants is carried out. The system of spontaneous commodity production what capitalism is, is liquidated together with it. Socialist production can't be system or a version of commodity production. [7; p. 411]

Nowadays simple commodity production remains in the form of craft, small-scale country enterprises. However its value, in process of ruin of small producers, more and more decreases.

Simple commodity production is widespread and now: 55 % of the population in the world is small producers, and in the countries of Latin America and Africa – about 90 %; also it is a nutrient medium for emergence of the developed commodity production.

Simple commodity production in the conditions of a slaveholding and feudal system was the way of providing only small part of everything made in the society of product. Unlike it under capitalism the overwhelming part of production is created at the capitalist enterprises, and capitalist production is undividedly dominating.



For summarizing we should remember the purpose and the main objectives of this essay. The purpose of the essay was studying of essence of commodity production, its features and history of development. Also we observed simple commodity production in the conditions of all modes of production, defined its role in economic process and urgency in the modern world.

In this essay we considered such tasks:

  • studying the essence of commodity production;
  • considering the history of development of commodity production;
  • observing the Marxist theory about commodity production;
  • determining peculiarities of simple commodity production;
  • investigating simple commodity production in pre-capitalistic modes of production;
  • studying main contradictions in simple commodity production;
  • determining the role of simple commodity production in modern world.

Let's remember basic provisions of our research.

In development of commodity production it is possible to allocate two stages: simple and capitalist commodity production. For pre-capitalistic formations simple commodity production (sometimes it calls undeveloped commodity production) was typical.

Simple commodity production is production of products for an exchange by means of a purchase and the sale, based on a private property of small producers and their personal labor. Simple commodity production arose in an extreme antiquity — in decomposition of a primitive-communal system and origin of slaveholding society. Simple commodity production in the form of craft and country farms exists in pre-capitalistic formations, and also in a transition period from capitalism by socialism.


For simple commodity production the following lines are characterized:

    • private property on means of production and products of work;
    • personal labor of the owner on means of production;
    • it is individual production of handicraftsmen and the peasants, carried out by them with a view of satisfaction of personal needs.

Formula of simple commodity production:

C – M – C

Private property on means of production and specialization makes producers singular and commodity production becomes the private deal. It forms private character of labor – private labor. From the other side division of labor gives social character of labor because all producers are connected in the process of production. As a result deep contradiction between private and social labor appears. This contradiction is the main contradiction of simple commodity production. This contradiction is resolved in the process of market exchange because only market exchange shows the necessity of private labor. If a product isn’t useful for society, society will never accept it as a part of social labor.

Simple commodity production was the main form in pre-capitalistic modes of production. We can also meet it nowadays in developing countries and developing sectors of industry, mostly in agriculture. Simple commodity production is widespread now: 55 % of the population in the world is small producers, and in the countries of Latin America and Africa – about 90 %.









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Информация о работе Simple commodity production