British pubs

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Декабря 2011 в 17:44, контрольная работа

Описание работы

English –genii of comfort. Nowhere in the world there is such a warm, cozy interiors, as in British houses, and the older the house, the more generations living in it, the more it is appreciated.
There is only one place where a foreigner traveler can come in an coziness of the English fireplace and its name is a pub.
Pub – a unique and absolutely typical phenomenon of English life. It is as an integral part of the English landscape as green fields, sheep and old oaks under fast floating clouds.


Introduction 3
Pub as a British tradition
2. I. What a pub is 4
2. II. Brief history of the British pub 5
2. III. Beer houses and the 1830 Beer act 9
2. IV. Signs 12
2. V. Names 13
2. VI. Entertainment 14
2. VII. Food 14
3. Conclusion 16
4. List of reference 17

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