Comic Relief

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Ноября 2012 в 10:41, реферат

Описание работы

Comic Relief is one of the well-known charities in Britain. the organisation raises money and then uses it to help to end poverty and unfairness. it works in the UK and in the poorest countries in the world. here's what it does. it raises money from the British people involving them in fun events. it does a lot of research to find out which charities to support. then it carefully desides how best to spend the money donated by the people. besides, it explains the causes of poverty in Africa and problems faced by people and communities in the UK. also it lets people in the UK know how they can change things for the better.
Comic Relief organises Red Nose Day every two years. It's the biggest TV fundraising event in the UK calendar. On Red Nose Day everyone in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is encouraged to put on a red nose, and do something a little bit silly to raise money - celebrities included. A clown-style red nose is the symbol of Red Nose Day. Most schools in the UK are involved in Red Nose Day, too.

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