Crimes against the person

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Ноября 2012 в 19:25, доклад

Описание работы

Murder. According to the doctrine itself deprivation of life (killing) a legally neutral, because It may be innocent and kriminalnym6. According to U.S. law, murder is the unlawful intentional or reckless homicide. Indication of the wrongful deprivation of life by killing U.S. law differs from the foreign, including Russian zakonodatelstva7.

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Crimes against the person.


Murder. According to the doctrine itself deprivation of life (killing) a legally neutral, because It may be innocent and kriminalnym6. According to U.S. law, murder is the unlawful intentional or reckless homicide. Indication of the wrongful deprivation of life by killing U.S. law differs from the foreign, including Russian zakonodatelstva7.


U.S. Criminal Code defines the approximate theoretical parameters for the federal and state law in determining the signs of murder and his species. Pairs. 210.0 as a victim calls the "human being" as a person born and living. However, under U.S. law recognizes not only the murder of killing unborn humans, but also the action that led to the killing of the fetus in pregnant for more than 24 weeks (eg, par. 125.00 of the Criminal Code of New York).


It should be noted that in the U.S., despite the well-known sharp social contrasts, the murder rate is not a record or compared to global figures, either in comparison with the previous period. Over the past 40 years coefficient of such crimes has not changed (5.5 murders per 100,000 population). In the history of the country's peak murders occurred in 1992 (10.2 murders) 8.


Crimes against life in U.S. law differentiated into grave and simple murder.

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