Ibn Battuta (d. 1368) a traveler from Morocco

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Марта 2013 в 13:56, реферат

Описание работы

The great Muslim traveller Ibn Battuta also known as Shams ad-Din was born on 25th of Feburary in 1304 (the exact year of death depends from source to source 1304–1368 or 1369 year) during the Marinid dynasty era in the family of Muslim legal scholars in Tangier in Morocco. According to the family business and social valuables of an early 14th century he studied law at an Islamic jurisprudence school called Sunni Maliki madh'hab. Although respectable educational opportunities Ibn Battuta, at the age of twenty one, on Thursday, 14th June, 1325 left his hometown on purpose to start his pilgrimage to Mecca. It took him six month to reach his first destination, whereas left Morocco for more than twenty-four years. (Byrne)

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