Independent Work

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Февраля 2013 в 16:48, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Revise the use of the Infinitive, Gerund, Participle I and Participle II.
Read the texts on Law according to your syllabus.

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Correspondence Department and Distance Education Department. 3d Year, 5th Semester,


Independent Work


Revise the use of the Infinitive, Gerund, Participle I and Participle II.

Read the texts on Law according to your syllabus.




    1. Put in the right form of the Infinitive:



I ought (to work) right now.

I ought to work right now.


Your watch will (to repair) by Tuesday.

Your watch being repaired by Tuesday.


I’d like (to go) home early tonight.

I’d like to go home early tonight.


I’d like (to see) her face when she opened the letter.

I’d like to see her face when she opened the letter.


She must (to have) a shower – I can hear the water running.

She must having a shower – I can hear the water running.


It’s important (to listen) to people.

It’s important to listen to people.


She hopes (to choose) for the national team.

She hopes being chosen for the national team.


Try (to not be) back late.

Try not being back late.


You should (to tell) me you were ill.

You should tell me you were ill.


He doesn’t like (to interrupt) while he’s working.

He doesn’t like being interrupted while he’s working.






    1. Rewrite these sentences using Perfect Infinitives:



I’m glad I’ve met you.

I’m glad to have met you.


I was sorry I had disturbed him.

I was sorry to have disturbed him.


I expect I’ll have passed all my exams by June.

I expect to have passed all my exams by June.


It seems that you made a mistake. (You seem … ).

You seem to have made a mistake.


I’m happy that I’ve had a chance to talk to you.

I’m happy to have had a chance to talk to you.


I was disappointed that I had missed the party.

I was disappointed to have missed the party.


It seems that she has got lost.

She seems to have got lost.


She was pleased that she had found the house.

She was pleased to have found the house.


I’m sorry I’ve interrupted you.

I’m sorry to have interrupted you.


It seems that he hasn’t read this book.

She seems haven’t red this book.





    1. Change the sentences as shown below:



I couldn’t understand the timetable.           ( wasn’t able ) →

I wasn’t able to understand the timetable.


It’s important to eat enough. ( You should )

You should eat enough it’s important.


I’d like to go sailing this summer. ( I might )

I might to go sailing this summer.


She will probably get married in June. ( She expects )

She expects to get married in June.


I said I would help her. ( I agreed )

I agreed to help her.


It’s necessary to make careful plans. ( We must )

We must to make careful plans it’s necessary.


Perhaps he’s ill. ( He seems )

He seems to be ill.


I want to change my job. ( I wish I could )

I wish I could change my job. 


I may come and see you next week. ( I hope )

I hope to come and see you next week.


You don’t need to apologise. ( You needn’t )

You needn’t to apologise.


They will open a new branch in North London. ( They have decided )

They have decided to open a new branch in North London.


I will certainly pay you on Saturday. ( I promise )

I promise to pay you on Saturday.


I couldn’t find the ticket office. ( I didn’t manage )

I didn’t manage to find the ticket office.


I prefer to go by myself. ( I would rather )

I would rather to go by myself.


She said she wouldn’t see him again. ( She refused )

She refused to see him again.


I can play chess. ( I’ve learnt )

I’ve learnt to play chess.



    1. Change the sentences as shown below:



I told John “ I think you should stop smoking “. ( advise ) →

I advised John to stop smoking.


They said we couldn’t look at the house. ( didn’t allow )

They didn’t allow to look at the house.


I said to Jake, “ Please be more careful. “ ( ask )

I ask Jake to be more careful.


She said to me, “ Do try the exam.” ( encourage )

She encourage me try to do the exam.


I think he’ll come soon. ( expect )

I expect he to come soon.


I went away, so he had to solve the problem. ( I left … )

I left him to solve the problem.


Was it your idea that I should pay? ( Did you mean … )

Did you mean me to pay?


The captain told the men, “Attack!” ( order )

The captain order the men to attack.


“ Don’t forget to buy coffee,” I told Sue. ( remind )

I remind Sue to buy coffee.


She gave me lessons in cooking. ( teach )

She teach me cooking.


She mustn’t tell anybody. ( I don’t want … )

I don’t want she to tell anybody.



V. Translate the extract into Russian.

Property offences are taken seriously by the Courts. If found guilty, the result could be a criminal record.

Whether you are charged in Newmarket, Brampton, Toronto, or anywhere else in Ontario, the circumstances of the case and the person charged are often looked at by the Crown. The personal circumstances of the individual (i.e.criminal record, whether the person worked at the store, and the value of the item stolen) are often considered in determining whether the charge may be eligible to be diverted.

Depending on the circumstances around the theft, you may be viewed with a sympathetic mind. The judge will consider why an item was stolen and what the item was when considering the potential penalty if a person is found guilty.  
Even if you don't actually remove the item from the store, you could still be charged with theft. The Crown must establish that when the item was taken by you, it was done with the intention to deprive the owner of it (either temporarily or permanently) and that it was done deliberately when you had no legal right to take it for yourself. A theft may be defended by raising a reasonable doubt on the basis of a mistake being made. 
If you have been charged with shoplifting or a theft of any kind, you should consult a lawyer to discuss your case.


Имущественные преступления (против собственности) серьезно рассматриваются  судами. Если виновный найден он может  быть осужден.

Где бы вас не обвиняли в Ньмаркете, Брэмптоне, Торонто или где-нибудь ещё в Онтарио обстоятельства дела и личность обвиняемого часто рассматриваются судьей. Личные обстоятельства человека (такие как судимость, работал ли человек на складе и ценность украденного) часто принимаются во внимание и в зависимости от них обвинение может быть снято.

В зависимости от обстоятельств  кражи, вы можете рассчитывать на снисходительное  отношение. Судья примет во внимание с какой целью и какая вещь была украдена при назначении наказания в случае, если человек будет признан виновным.

Даже если вы переместите вещь со склада, вас могут обвинить в краже. Государство устанавливает, что  намерения, с которыми вами была взята вещь, могли лишить ее владельца обладания вещью (временно или постоянно) и что это было сделано преднамеренно, не имея законных прав на ее обладание. Кража может быть опротестована (подвергнута сомнению) вызванным разумным сомнением в произошедшей ошибке.

Если вас обвинили в магазинной краже или краже любого другого  вида, вам следует проконсультироваться с юристом, чтобы разобраться  в деле.


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