Nogai Horde

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Октября 2011 в 07:07, реферат

Описание работы

This essay is about Nogai Horde. Nogai Horde – the State which has arisen after disintegration of Golden Horde and easing of the White Horde in the northwest of Kazakhstan. It occupied territory between Volga and Jaika. State capital was the city the Saraichik on the river Jaik. The founder – Edige the khan.


I. Introduction: How did Nogai Horde appear?
The State which has arisen after disintegration of Golden Horde and easing of the White Horde.
II. Main part:
1). How did ethnonim “nogai” appear? Ethnonim "Nogai" occurs on behalf of the leader of an army of the Gold horde.
2). What did the social system consist from?
The ranks of leaders: “Khan”, “murza”, etc.
3). Political history.
Connection Nogai’s history with other tribes.
III). Conclusion: Collapsing of powerful state.

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Nogai Horde.


I. Introduction: How did Nogai Horde appear?

The State which has arisen after disintegration of Golden Horde and easing of the White Horde.

II. Main part:

     1). How did ethnonim “nogai” appear?                                         Ethnonim "Nogai" occurs on behalf of the leader of an army of the Gold    horde.

    2). What did the social system consist from?

The ranks of leaders: “Khan”, “murza”, etc.

     3). Political history.

Connection Nogai’s history with other tribes.

III). Conclusion: Collapsing of powerful state.

The powerful and developed states of the Middle Ages. 

     This essay is about Nogai Horde. Nogai Horde – the State which has arisen after disintegration of Golden Horde and easing of the White Horde in the northwest of Kazakhstan. It occupied territory between Volga and Jaika. State capital was the city the Saraichik on the river Jaik. The founder – Edige the khan.

Ethnonim "Nogai" occurs on behalf of the leader of an army of the Gold horde, grandson Dzhuchi of khan Nogaja (1260-1306). Nogai has made aggressive campaigns to Caucasus, Persia, Poland, Hungary, Golgariju, Serbia, Russian earths. However the Nogai Horde has other name - «Mangytsky yurtas» because of dominating tribes – mangity.

     ,The governor of a horde carried a title "Khan". The predominating role in a society was occupied with "princes". They possessed the military, diplomatic and administrative power which was descended. Governors of uluses named «murza». As well as in any society, in the Nogai horde there was the lowest level of population "punches". They were the impoverished cattlemen passing to a settled way of life.

     History of the Nogai Horde closely connected with history of the next khanates of the Volga region, Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan, especially with history of nomadic Uzbeks and Kazakhs. Nogai khans of Uakkas bi, Mousse mirza, Iamburchi took part in a campaign of Abulhair in cities near by Sirdariya river. However after joining to Russia Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, the Nogai horde has broken up to some possession. The part of its population was a part Younger zhuz.

      In conclusion the Nogai horde existing from end XIV-XVI was  one of the powerful and developed states of the Middle Ages. With advanced political system, a social system and numerous gains. The state has broken up in second half of XVI centuries to 2 parts: the Big Nogai and Small Nogai hordes. 


1) SHIN KITAP “History of Kazakhstan.

2) N.S. Bakina  “History of Kazakhstan”.

  3) retrieved from

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