Oratotical style

Автор: Вероника Садковская, 10 Ноября 2010 в 08:38, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Stylistics is the study of varieties of language whose properties position that language in context, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language. A variety, in this sense, is a situationally distinctive use of language. For example, the language of advertising, politics, religion, individual authors, etc., or the language of a period in time, all are used distinctively and belong in a particular situation. In other words, they all have ‘place’ or are said to use a particular 'style'.



I.1. Stylistics as a Linguistic Science…………………………………………5
I.2. Stylistics of language and stylistics of speech……………………………8
I.3. The Main Trends in the History of Stylistic Investigation……………..10
I.4. The object and purpose of stylistics………………………………………12


III.1. Phonetic features……………………………………………………….22
III.2. Morphological features…………………………………………………22
III.3. Syntactical features……………………………………………………..22
III.4. Lexical features…………………………………………………………23

IV. Analysis of Isaeus’ oratorical style. ……………………………………24



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       Stylistics, sometimes called l i n g и o-stylistics, is a branch of general linguistics. It has now been more or less definitely outlined. It deals mainly with two interdependent tasks:

       a) the investigation of the inventory of special language media which by their ontological features secure the desirable effect of the utterance

        b) certain types of texts (discourse) which due to the choice and arrangement of language means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of the communication. The two objectives of stylistics are clearly discernible as two separate fields of investigation. The inventory of special language media can be analyzed and their ontological features revealed if presented in a system in which the correlation between the media becomes evident.

       Stylistics is the study of varieties of language whose properties position that language in context, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language. A variety, in this sense, is a situationally distinctive use of language. For example, the language of advertising, politics, religion, individual authors, etc., or the language of a period in time, all are used distinctively and belong in a particular situation. In other words, they all have ‘place’ or are said to use a particular 'style'.

       Stylistics is a branch of linguistics, which deals with the study of varieties of language, its properties, principles behind choice, dialogue, accent, length, and register.

       Stylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language, such as socialisation, the production and reception of meaning, critical discourse analysis and literary criticism.

       Other features of stylistics include the use of dialogue, including regional accents and people’s dialects, descriptive language, the use of grammar, such as the active voice or passive voice, the distribution of sentence lengths, the use of particular language registers, etc.

       Many linguists do not like the term ‘stylistics’. The word ‘style’, itself, has several connotations that make it difficult for the term to be defined accurately. However, in Linguistic Criticism, Roger Fowler makes the point that, in non-theoretical usage, the word stylistics makes sense and is useful in referring to an enormous range of literary contexts, such as John Milton’s ‘grand style’, the ‘prose style’ of Henry James, the ‘epic’ and ‘ballad style’ of classical Greek literature, etc. (Fowler. 1996, 185). In addition, stylistics is a distinctive term that may be used to determine the connections between the form and effects within a particular variety of language. Therefore, stylistics looks at what is ‘going on’ within the language; what the linguistic associations are that the style of language reveals. 



       I.1 Stylistics  as a  Linguistic Science.

       The object of style studies: expressive functions and expressive means of different language levels, their stylistic meanings and connotations, communicative laws of discourse (speech peculiarities of the text or a certain type of texts).

        Tasks: analysis of  the evolution of styles in connection with the history of  literary standard, investigation into the language of fiction and its  development, universal laws of  literary composition (including poetics), genres of communication (pragmatic approach).

       Linguistic ‘Stylistics’   in different scholastic interpretations (due to divergence of approaches and complex nature of the object of study):

       Descriptive stylistics as the study of units larger than a sentence, i.e. the arrangement of sentences, their grouping in paragraphs1;

       Text Stylistics – close to text grammar, structural study of regularities in text composition2 contrasted to the functional concept of stylistic variation, i.e. the author’s free choice of the ways and forms of text composition;

       Linguistic Stylistics (in the narrow meaning), presented by:

        a) The functional theory of the Prague Linguistic Circle, pointing out the correlation between textual and non-textual (universal linguistic, “coding” etc.)  Language subsystems defined as “communicative,” “functional” styles (close to socio-linguistic approaches);

         b)  Ch. Balli’s  doctrine of  functional choice postulating  that  language registers many synonymous forms and rows of  synonyms constituted  by one neutral unit   and the rest marked by additional stylistic connotations (expressive,  low colloquial and familiar or elevated,  bookish, high);

       Pragmatic stylistics as universal theory of language in use3, in accordance with the general tendency in linguistics in the 1950-s to investigate” language in use”4;

       Poetics viewed as investigation into the national language in connection with the language of fiction5; as “a historic science integrated with literary criticism”6 which studies the interaction of the literary language and different styles of literature. The central statement of V.V.Vinogradov’s theory proves that the styles of realism could evolve only on the basis of developed national standard, the literary Russian language of the 19th century, in particular.

       Ideostylistics (stylistics of individual speech) as investigation of the author’s style or the style of a literary work. Stylistics of decoding and stylistics of perception as the analysis of problems of text interpreting. The analysis of linguistic representation of the author’s image in fiction as one of the central problems.

       Linguostylistics as comparison of the national standard and the system of the language with functional styles and dialects, investigation of the elements of language into their potential to express and provoke emotions, additional associations and evaluation7.

       Problems of Linguostylistics: 1) definition of style and functional style;

                                                      2) ascertaining functional regularities for the units of different language levels, their stylistic meanings and connotations8. 

       Text Stylistics as a field (aspect) of linguostylistic research of the structural-semantic organization of the text (a group of texts); its compositional-stylistic types and forms, constructive and stylistic devices, functions of textual and before-textual systems of units, their role in the construction and expression of contents of the text, its stylistic peculiarities9, i.e. the study of the functions, style peculiarities of types and units of the text10. Text stylistics as research of a virtual text and text typology.

       Peculiarities of Text Stylistics: research of textual units; study of the virtual texts; analysis of the contents of the text.

       Text interpretation as a linguistic discipline investigating:

        1) actualization of language means of different  levels of language hierarchy, i.e. the horizontal, level  structure of the text;

        2) ways of actualizing textual categories – the category of limitation, coherence: (formal integrity) and cohesion (integrity of contents), the category of retrospect and prospect, chronotop (local – temporal reference), anthropocentricity, information, systematization, integrity (completeness), modality, pragmatic orientation (disposition), a level of the text,

        3) vertical, ‘penetrating’ structure of the text: types of presentation11.

         Peculiarities of Functional Stylistics: research of before-textual units; study of text typology; no emphasis on the contents in the analysis of speech typology 

       I.2 Stylistics of language and stylistics of speech12.

       Stylistics of language as research of language subsystems with their specific word-stock, phraseology and syntax, analysis of expressive, emotional and evaluative potential of various language means.

       Stylistics of speech as research of texts, ways and forms of expressing some contents in them according to grammatical and stylistic norms and on the basis of meaningful deviations13.

       Literary stylistics as a branch of literary criticism, studying language potential in imaginative reflection of reality in fiction.

       Theoretical stylistics as research of the speech act and text, built up of three parts, correlated with the speech act components:

       Author’s Stylistics (genetic stylistics), research of the author's choice of speech forms, the author’s message and its realization.

       Immanent stylistics as research of the inner construction of the text, realization of the laws of the given speech genre.

       Stylistics of the addressee (stylistics of perception) as investigation of the addressee’s interpretation of the author’s message, as well as the “image of the addressee” or “the addressee factor” itself.

       Practical stylistics as the basis of teaching the norms of a native or foreign language. Tasks of practical stylistics: development of style perception, introduction into the norms of functional styles, the formation of the skill of designing a coherent text according to its functional and language peculiarities.

       General stylistics as a discipline, investigating universal laws: stylistic resources and universal laws of language functioning as a whole.

        Stylistics of particular languages as a research of regularities characteristic of English, German, Russian, etc. or a group of related languages (Germanic languages, Slavic languages, Turkic languages and etc.).

       Comparative stylistics as the  study of stylistic resources and functional regularities of the language on the basis of comparison of related languages. Synchronic and diachronic stylistics. Synchronic and diachronic principles of the stylistic description.

       Historical or diachronic  stylistics as  investigation into the processes of functional styles formation and other speech forms in connection with the social order and changing extra-linguistic factors of style formation, historic development of stylistic language systems. 

       I.3 The Main Trends in  the History of Stylistic Investigation.

       Modern scientific paradigms: stylistics and hermeneutics. Hermeneutics (from Greek hermeneutikos - explaining, interpreting), a philosophical discipline,  Bible interpretation up to the XIX  century, and then represented as a scientific method of “spiritual” sciences, asserting the  principle of plurality in interpreting verity in contrast to strict determinism. Stylistics of decoding as a theoretical informational approach to stylistic problems, a science studying those aspects of the utterance14. Concept of  information (the inner contents of the process of reflecting the  features of one object as  causing  change in the  properties of the other). Regular and chaotic reflection. Analogy of art creativity and perception with  cybernetic processes. Cybernetics as a science studying control (regulation) systems. Aesthetic values as regulation systems. Imaginative-cognitive function of aesthetic values as regulation (control) of perception. Coding as reflection of the  condition of one physical system with the help of the other. A code as a set of meaningful units and rules of their arrangement intended for  sending messages. A message as a set of reflected, fixed at some  period of time properties of the  source of information. A signal as a temporary process reflecting the message ( in  language communication an integrative complex of phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic means). Volume disproportion of the impact of  a signal and its energy. The  system of information transmission ( in stylistics "the author – the reader model"):

       1) the source of  information ( the sender) creating the message or a sequence of messages to be received by the addressee;

        2) the transmitter, transforming the message into signals appropriate to the characteristics of the channel;

       3) the channel as  media for signal transmission from the transmitter to the receiver ( ideal channels and  “noise” channels);

        4) the receiver which is carrying out operations, opposite to operations performed by the  transmitter, restoring the message by way of deciphering the  signals;

       5) addressee as a person, for whom the message is intended. The formula of Shannon to calculate the volume of  information. The alphabet of the message  as the list of all possible messages. The volume of information in terms of uncertainty, entropy, degree informational demand the addressee of the information has. Entropy of the system Relevance of Shannon’s formula for stylistics. Predictability \ unpredictability textual elements, increase of choice as the law of text organization in fiction. The opportunity of meaningful deviation in fiction. Predictability as the basis of expressiveness. Stylistics of decoding as interpretation of correctness of comprehension, absence of distortions in decoding. Synthesis is the unity of parts and the whole as a basis of the stylistic analysis15.  

       I.4   The object and purpose of stylistics.  
          Depending on the scope of the language, the content of expressions, situations and purposes of communication distinguish several functional-style varieties or styles, characterized by a certain system of selecting and organizing in their language means. The study of functional styles, especially the use of these linguistic resources involved style. The study of functional styles, especially the use of these linguistic resources involved style.

        The object of study of stylistics are units of a language system at all levels in their entirety (sounds, words, their forms, phrases, sentences), i.e. object of the study of stylistics are units of a language system at all levels in their entirety (sounds, words, and their forms, phrases, sentences), is taught "on the entire section of its structure at once"16.

       In the mid-50's XX century replaced by the so-called traditional style evolved in two directions: the normative (practice style, of speech) and literary (language literature), comes functional, which is based on stylistic study AM Peshkovski, LV replaced by the so-called traditional style, which has developed in two directions:

  1. the normative (practice style, culture of speech)

                       2)  literature (language literature), comes functional, which is based on stylistic study A.M. Peshkovski, L.V. Shcherba,  Vinokur, V. Vinogradov.

       Further development of functional stylistics was Vinokur’s and others to the fore, it raises the problem of objective study of the natural functioning of the speech, its different types and varieties. It examines the "dialectic of language in speech"17. Based on the phonology, pronunciation, grammar and lexicology, stylistics teaches responsible use of their laws, determines how much money the language consistent with its standards meet the objectives and scope of communication, teaches clearly, intelligibly and clearly express the idea, choosing from several homogeneous linguistic units that are close or identical in meaning, but differ in any shades, the most accurate. Speech standards are set at the same time differently for each style and are determined based on the study of verbal material, which implements this style.

        Based on the idea of the primacy of content, functional stylistics examines style as a meaningful form. Styles and formed because the language that recognized specific content of each area of communication associated with a specific activity (biosocial, transformative, epistemological, aesthetic, communicative, etc.), and developed in practice are complex forms and functions that serve to express most complete in this area of content.

         Representatives of the traditional style creates a presumption that possession styles is an art to express the same content of different forms. Functional style is basically stylistics of speech, whereas traditionally been predominantly stylistics of language.

       In addition, functional stylistics examines identity as a system of statistics, where divers realized the dialectical law of transition from quantity to quality, and the differences between styles are expressed not only in the presence of different qualitative features, but also in various forms of quantitative quality features in common. Traditional style is explored styles mainly from the qualitative side, and sought to ensure that the description of the style was a list (and as complete as possible) stained items.

            The main objective of the study of stylistics and a description of the functional styles, features and stylistic characteristics of individual linguistic units that combine them (within the overall system of language) in particular, functionally homogeneous subsystems. This determines the basic concepts, which operates style: functional styles and stylistic connotations (stylistic value and style painting).



                      The use of publicistic style. 

       The publicistic style is used in public speeches and printed public works which are addressed to a broad audience and devoted to important social or political events, public problems of cultural or moral character. 

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