Роль Английского языка

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Октября 2013 в 16:32, курс лекций

Описание работы

Active vocabulary:
work and employment
occupation - род занятий, профессия employee - (наемный) работник, co-
trade - занятие, ремесло, профессия трудник, служащий

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1 Active vocabulary:

work and employment

occupation - род занятий, профессия employee - (наемный) работник, co-

trade - занятие, ремесло, профессия трудник, служащий

job работа, труд employer - наниматель, работода-

position - позиция, должность тель

post - пост, должность employment - служба, работа (по

work - работа, труд, занятие, дело найму), занятость

labour - труд, работа, рабочая сила line - род (область) деятельности

employ (for) - предоставлять работу, career — карьера, профессия, род дея-

нанимать тельности, успех, профессиональ-

unemployed - безработный ный рост

hours of work


work shift-work - работать посменно be on flexi-time - иметь гибкий график работы

work nine-to-five - работать с девяти до пяти

work half / part / full time - работать

неполный день (неделю) / неполный

день / полный день

work irregular / long hours - работать



reasons for not working


be fired / be dismissed / get the sack / be made redundant - быть уволенным, снятым с должности give up work - бросить работу be on / take maternity leave - быть в декрет ном отпуске / уйти в декретный отпуск (по беременности и родам)

salary - заработная плата (служащего) wages - заработная плата (рабочих) fee - вознаграждение, гонорар payment - оплата, вознаграждение

be on / take sick leave - быть в отпуске / взять отпуск по болезни take early retirement - досрочно уйти на пенсию (раньше установленного срока при невыработанном или минимальном трудовом стаже, обычно приводит к снижению размера пенсии)

income - доход, заработок profit - прибыль, доход, выгода earn / make / do money - зарабатывать деньги



other professional terminology

promotion - продвижение по службе, повышение в звании curriculum vitae (CV) - краткая биография, резюме vacancy - вакансия accept / take up - принять turn down / reject—отказать, отклонить leave (job, position) - уйти с работы, должности

specialize in - специализироваться в dismiss from — уволить с

retire - уйти на пенсию, в отставку apply for / make an application - подавать заявление о приеме на работу make an appointment - назначить встречу

advertise for - создавать рекламу, рекламировать, помещать объявление be out of work - быть без работы be a workaholic - быть трудоголиком; человеком, "горящим" на работе






What are you by profession (by trade)?

What post do you hold?

What business are you in?

What's your line?

What do you do for a living?

What's your job / profession / occupation?

What are you?

- Where do you work? -I work at a candy factory. /1 work for Philips.

What's your family income?

How much do you earn (make)?




2 Translate the sentences from English into Russian:

Employ — employer - employee — unemployed - employment

    1. We were employed to do some seasonal job.
    2. My employer wouldn't like me to be late.
    3. Office employees are called white-collar workers.
    4. Being a housewife is a full-time employment.
    5. Unemployment is a major social problem in many countries.
    6. We employed a new secretary from September 1.
    7. People who have no work are unemployed / jobless. We can also say that they have no employment/jobs.
    8. Being out of work means having no employment.

3 Choose the right word:

. 1 Workers earn ... wages/salaries. Wages are paid ... -weekly/monthly.

  1. Office clerks earn ... salaries/fees. A salary is paid ... monthly / daily.
  2. The general word for wages and salaries is ... pay / income. It is money that an employee receives for his regular work or services, especially in the Navy, Army and Air Force.
  3. Payment for particular professional advice or service (private doctors, lawyers, teachers) is called ... fee /profit. Fee is a one attendance.
  4. I'd love to ...do/ make that kind of work.
  5. What d'you ... do/make for a living?
  6. I have been ... offered / proposed a job in London. But I haven't been prepared to ... give / take on that job.
  7. A curriculum vitae / autobiography is a brief account of smb's previous career.


4 Match the following nouns with the groups of adjectives:



  1. job
  2. work
  3. business
  4. employee
  5. profession
  6. career





    1. full-time, part-time, hard, monotonous, boring, manual, seasonal;
    2. big, small;
    3. well-paid, badly-paid, dirty, dangerous, interesting, challenging;
    4. interesting, modern, prestigious;
    5. promising, diplomatic, academic;
    6. skillful, qualified, industrious, responsible, self- disciplined.



5 Find Russian and English equivalents for:

work conditions, work experience, employment book (record), employment office, family income, income tax, application form, work irregular / long hours, work shift-work, salary / wages, retire, resume / curriculum vitae (CV), request application, be sacked / dismissed;

доход (бюджет) семьи, заявление (о приеме на работу), уйти на пенсию, быть уволенным, трудовая книжка, письменная просьба, трудовой стаж, служебная и личная характеристика, отдел кадров, зарплата, работать посменно, работать сверхурочно, условия труда, подоходный налог.




6 Point out the most important factors in choosing your job. Put them in order of importance and explain your choice.

work which is useful to society; good salary or wages; opportunities to meet different people; opportunities to travel; flexible hours;

interesting and not boring work; high security of employment; good pension scheme;

dealing with children; responsibility of your own; the chance of promotion; good career prospects; good working conditions; friendly colleagues and considerate management; long holidays.


Read the following useful hints about choosing a career given by professionals in the Internet and express your attitude towards career advice, explaining your reasons. You may begin like that:

  1. Careers advice is a waste of time and effort because I have always known what to do after leaving school.
  2. Careers advice could be useful to me for the following reasons ....


Throughout our careers, we encounter many situations when we could benefit from unbiased (беспристрастного) advice. We may be in the process of choosing a career, deciding whether or not we should change careers or jobs, reentering the workforce, job hunting (поиск работы), or recovering from a job loss. We come to the realization that this is an overwhelming process and we want and need some help.

A time of crisis is not the best time to seek professional help, according to an article on Pioneer Press. Columnist (корреспондент, обозреватель (ведущий постоянную рубрику)) Amy Lindgren states that "many career problems are preventable with regular attention to the career path." According to Lindgren, visits with a career professional should take place on a regular basis. {"Seeking Professional Help." Pioneer Press. August 23, 1998).

A Rose By Any Other Name...

Career counselor, career development facilitator (методист по организации и планированию карьеры), career coach, job coach (рабочий инструктор), and vocational counselor (консультант по профориентации) are just a


few of the names you might come across as you look for someone to help you with your career. It can get very confusing if you aren't an informed consumer.

Let's begin by saying there are some unscrupulous (недобросовестный) individuals out there who are misrepresenting themselves. You may see advertisements from those who guarantee you a higher paying job, a more fulfilling (удовлетворяющую требованиям) career, and ultimately a better life. In reality, no one can guarantee you any of those things. A good career development professional can help you explore career options, can inform you of labor market trends, and can assess your skills, interests, and work related values. A career development professional can help you sharpen your job search skills, and can help you learn how to move up the corporate ladder (продвигаться no служебной лестнице).

While credentials (нечто, дающее человеку право заниматься определённой деятельностью (личные качества, образование, опыт)) are not the only thing you should look at, they are a good starting point when you are choosing someone to advise you about your career. Just as you would never consider seeing a doctor who does not have a medical degree, you should never pay someone for career advice unless they have professional credentials.

Once you have determined that the person from whom you are seeking advice has the proper credentials, you must then find out if he or she is "right" for you. Is this individual knowledgeable about your particular field, and do you feel comfortable talking to him or her? A brief interview with the career development professional is well worth your time, and should be worth theirs.

Career Counselors

Many career counselors are members of the National Career Development Association (Национальная ассоциация профессионального развития). The NCDA offers special membership categories to recognize those who have reached certain professional levels of achievement. Master Career Counselors, for example, hold master's degrees in counseling or related fields. NCDA members are listed on that organization's Web site: www.ncda.org. Career counselors may have local licenses from state boards of licensure.

Career Development Facilitators

There are many people providing career advice who are not professional career counselors. This fact was recognized by several professional groups who banded together (объединились) to develop the Global Career Development Facilitator (or GCDF) credential (рекомендации), which provides standards, training specifications, and credentialing for those who provide these services.

Do You Need to Hire a Career Counselor?


Your Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Career

There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable (непреодолимой) task? It's not. Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, but your effort will be well worth it in the end. Follow these steps to making a good career choice.

  1. Assess Yourself

Before you can make a career choice you have to learn about yourself. Your values, interests, and skills, in combination with certain personality traits, will make some careers especially suitable for you and some particularly inappropriate. You can use self assessment (самооценка) tools, often called career tests, to gather this information and, subsequently, to generate a list of occupations that are deemed (считаются) appropriate. Some people choose to have career counselors or other career development professionals administer these tests (проводить тестирование) but many opt (предпочитают) to use free career tests that are available on the Web.

  1. Make a List of Occupations to Explore

Look over the lists of occupations generated through your use of the self assessment tools. They are probably rather lengthy. You want to come up with a much shorter list, consisting of between five and ten occupations. Circle occupations that appear on multiple lists. Circle occupations you may have considered previously and that you find appealing. Write these occupations down on a separate list titled "Occupations to Explore."

  1. Explore the Occupations on Your List

For each occupation on your list, you will want to look at the job description, educational and other requirements, job outlook (профессиональные перспективы), advancement opportunities (возможность карьерного роста) and earnings.

  1. Conduct Informational Interviews

At this point you should only have a few occupations left on your list. You now need to gather more in-depth (исчерпывающую) information. Your best source of this information are people who have firsthand knowledge


(знают по собственному опыту) of the occupations in which you are interested. Identify who they are and conduct informational interviews with them.

  1. Continue Narrowing Down your List

Pare down (сократите) your list of possible occupations based on what you learned from your research. For example, you may not be willing to put the time and energy into preparing for an occupation for which an advanced degree (ученая степень, выше степени бакалавра) is required, or you may consider the earnings for a particular occupation inadequate.

  1. Set Your Goals

By now you should have decided on one occupation you want to pursue. It's time to put a plan in place so you can eventually find a job in that field, but first you will need to set some goals.

  1. Write a Career Action Plan

Now that you have set your goals, you will need to decide how to reach them. A career action plan will help guide you as you pursue (добиваться) your long and short term goals (долгосрочные и краткосрочные цели).

  1. Train for Your New Career

It is likely you will have to tain for your new career. That could take the form of earning a degree, doing an internship (интернатура, практика, стажировка) or taking courses to learn some new skills.


Taking Tt Step-By-Step

What is Career Planning?

Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in our job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring. The Career Planning Site (профориентационный сайт) offers coverage of all these areas. This article will focus on career choice and the process one goes through in selecting an occupation. This may happen once in our lifetimes, but it is more likely to happen several times as we first define and then redefine ourselves and our goals.

Career Planning: A Four Step Process

The career planning process is comprised of four steps. One might seek the services of a career development professional to help facilitate his or her journey through this process. Whether or not you choose to work with a professional, or work through the process on your own is less important than the amount of thought and energy you put into choosing a career.


Gather information about yourself (self assessment):

  1. Interests.
  2. Values.
  3. Roles.
  4. Skills (Навыки) /Aptitudes (Способности).
  5. Preferred Environments.
  6. Developmental Needs.
  7. Your realities.


  1. Explore the occupations in which you are interested.
  2. Research the industries in which you would like to work.
  3. Research the Labor Market (рынок труда).

Get more specific information after you narrow down your options by:

  1. Job Shadowing (наблюдение за рабочим процессом).
  2. Part-time work, internships, or volunteer opportunities.
  3. Written materials.
  4. Informational interviews.


During this phase of the process, you will:

  1. Identify possible occupations.
  2. Evaluate these occupations.
  3. Explore alternatives.
  1. Choose both a short term and a long term option. Action

You will develop the steps you need to take in order to reach your goal, for example:

  1. Investigating sources of additional training and education, if needed.
  2. Developing a job search strategy.
  3. Writing your resume.
  4. Gathering company information.
  5. Composing cover letters.
  6. Preparing for job interviews.

Important Steps to Take for Your Career Development

Career development and the career planning process include a number of specific steps that help to identify personal skills and attributes (качества). Finding out how those skills can be utilized in the job market is accomplished by researching a number of career fields that are of interest to you and then by gaining experience in those fields and /or speaking to people currently working in the field. Participating in some form of experiential education will help you to identify if the field is the right choice for you.

Step № 1: Self-Assessment

Evaluating who you are as a person. This involves taking a personal inventory (список) of who you are and identifying your individual values, interests, skills, and personal qualities. What makes you tick as a person (является вашей неотъемлемой чертой). You will look at those personal attributes under a microscope and come up with key qualities you can identify and use in your search for the perfect career. Career assessments may be required to promote a better understanding of personal attributes and skills. Contact your Career Services Office (Центр карьеры) at your college to discuss if a career assessment may be right for you.

Step № 2: Research (Career Exploration)

Obtain an insider's perspective (мнение специалиста) about the career field you are considering. Conduct Informational Interviews in person, phone, or by email. Professionals enjoy sharing their expertise (делиться опытом) with people interested in the field. Perform informational interviews with alumni (выпускники) from your college to gain their perspective of the field and to listen to what they have to say. This strategy provides first hand knowledge from someone currently working in the field and gives you an opportunity to ask about their experiences as well as potential jobs and what one might expect if just entering the field.

Gain experience through internships or by job shadowing for one to several days to see what a typical work day entails and to gain perspective of what the environment is like and the typical job responsibilities of someone working

Информация о работе Роль Английского языка