Типы артиклей

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Марта 2013 в 20:21, реферат

Описание работы

Арти́кль (в старой литературе используется также название член) — часть речи, используемая для выражения категории определённости/неопределённости. В некоторых языках — таких, как суахили — артикли используются редко, а упомянутые смысловые различия выражаются иначе или вовсе никак. Другие языки, такие как русский, большинство других славянских языков (за исключением болгарского и македонского), санскрит, латинский, китайский, японский, тамильский, тайский, не имеют артиклей вовсе (при необходимости обозначить неопределённость или определённость слова используются такие слова, как «один» или «этот»).

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aukšta mokykla (high school, ie, the building of the school), aukštoji (aukšta + ji) mokykla (high school, ie, high school).

Formed by a similar principle pronominal adjectives in old-and Slavonic languages:


vysok dom - vysokіy (high + i) dom

Deep River - deep (deep + I) river

(In these examples, the "and" and "I" - ancient Slavic pronouns corresponding current "it", "it".)


Similarly was the use of adjectives. In particular, when translated into the Slavic language of the Greek Bible and prayer books Greek turnovers, where the adjective used with the term (ie, the article) is usually transmitted pronominal adjectives. However, in the Church-this relationship is not always maintained. In the modern Russian language form data though preserved (Summary and adjectives), but lost much of their value-certainty of uncertainty and differ more in terms of style.


Apart pronominal adjectives also occur, although less frequently, pronouns pronouns. Ex. in Lithuanian: jų (them), jųjų  (also "them", but with the value of certainty).



7. Definite articles into Russian dialects


In the Russian literary language of articles has never been (except for those mentioned above pronominal adjectives). In some dialects and colloquial use, however, these elements are still there. As a typical example, a fragment of one of the letters Avvakum:


"... And in truth, that Molis, shut your eyes, those of the so-mind through the air and solid and let air-to Nadezhda and to his throne, and he hit the ground, but do not get up and lie down, crying: it was -jo-mind of Christ that brought with sky-er, as much heart-offend it "[2].


It is easy to see that to be agreed upon in gender and case with the noun particle "something" appears here as it is in certain postpositive article, completely analogous article in Bulgarian. However, the use of this Part does not go beyond speaking and is optional, and the same in their lyrics Habakkuk uses it only occasionally. Particle is "something" in the modern Russian language is the trace of this article, ceases to vary by gender, numbers and cases. [3]





Zaliznyak AA Grammatical Dictionary of the Russian language: inflection. - 4th ed. - M.: "Russian dictionaries", 2003, page 71

ESF: Habakkuk. Boris and the message 'other servants of God Most High. " - 1960 (text) - feb-web.ru/feb/avvakum/texts/jag/jag-285-.htm

Map 25. Particles change something in Russian dialects - www.gramota.ru/book/village/map25.html

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