Neural networks

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Февраля 2013 в 23:19, аттестационная работа

Описание работы

Neural Networks mimic the pattern of human learning to solve many difficult tasks of data management and pattern recognition. By configuring virtual neural networks that function like the human brain, computers can perform tasks at greater speeds and with increased flexibility of application. These networks are capable of offering invaluable insights into the vast information stockpiles that are common today.


1. Introduction to Neural Networks
1.1 What is a neural network?
1.2 Historical background
1.3 Why use neural networks?
1.4 Neural networks versus conventional computers - a comparison

2. Applications of neural networks
2.1 Neural networks in practice
2.2 Neural networks in medicine
2.2.1 Modelling and Diagnosing the Cardiovascular System
2.2.2 Electronic noses - detection and reconstruction of odours by ANNs
2.2.3 Instant Physician - a commercial neural net diagnostic program
2.3 Neural networks in business
2.3.1 Marketing
2.3.2 Credit evaluation

3. Conclusion

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