Аспекты эвтаназии в Узбекистане (english)

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 31 Марта 2013 в 09:27, статья

Описание работы

An issue of opposition of morality and law arises in our society very frequently, with people’s favors been given to one of them depending on the case being decided. However when it comes to the problem of application of euthanasia, there is no clear solution of it both from moral and from legal points of view. Moreover, when being analyzed both of the approaches do not give an exact decision of how an issue may be solved, thus confusing it even more. This work analyzes the most frequent type of euthanasia that is often referred as PAS (Physician Assisted Suicide) – the process of killing a patient, who has an incurable illness with no hope to recover and suffering from unbearable pain, after being asked for that by the patient him/herself. 1