Psychology of Dreams. Anthology Table of Contents Carl Gustav Jung. Function and analysis of dreams.

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Января 2012 в 00:20, реферат

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Discussion of some details of the origin of our dreams dictated by the fact that the soil from which grows the majority of characters. Unfortunately, they are difficult to understand. As I have pointed out, the dream did not like the story of the life of the conscious mind. In ordinary circumstances, we think about what to say, we choose the most expressive way to transfer ideas and trying to make the story coherent. For example, literate people will avoid too complex metaphors, so as not to create confusion in understanding. But dreams have a different structure. The images seem contradictory, ridiculous crowding in sleeping brain, lost sense of normal time, even the most ordinary things in a dream can take a mysterious and menacing.