Trends in economy development

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Ноября 2012 в 16:26, курсовая работа

Описание работы

The urgency of the work is that at this time in our country, the real prospects for a truly open economy, its effective integration into the world economy. Active use of external factors contributes to overcoming the negative processes in the economy and further development of market relations.
The work consists of three parts, which consistently explored the role of foreign trade in economic development of Ukraine.
In the first chapter I will tell you about “Foreign trade as system of economic relations”. After that I will move on to “Analysis of the role of Ukrainian foreign trade at the present stage”. And then I will give you some background about “Trends and problems in development of Ukraine's foreign trade”.


CHAPTER 1. Foreign trade as system of economic relations...................................5
1.1. Essence and theories of foreign trade........................................................ ......5-8
1.2. Government control of foreign trade...............................................................9-10
Conclusions to Chapter I……………………………………………………….......11
CHAPTER 2.The position of Ukraine in modern foreign trade…… …….....….…12
2.1. Factors of Ukraines foreign trade development…………………………...12-15
2.2. Evaluation of import and export potencial of Ukraine …………………...16-19
2.3. Trade of Ukraine at the international markets………………………….....20-31
Conclusions to Chapter II…………………………………………………..…..…32
CHAPTER 3. The problems of Ukraine's foreign trade development.…………...33
Conclusions to Chapter III……………………………………………………..…35

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