Тест по "Иностранному языку"

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     d) Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. 

2. What countries does Britain include?

     a) England, Scotland, Wales                       c) England & Scotland

     b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland      d) England, Wales 

3. What does England consist of?


     a) 9 distris                                        c) 9 counties

     b) 9 states                                        d) 9 regions 

4. What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?

    a) Ben Nevis       


    c)the Adirondack Mountains                                                                       d) the Ozark Mountain Range 

5. What range of hills is known as the “backbone of England”?

     a) the Adirondack Mountains                   c) the Appalachian Mountains

      b) the Ozark Mountain Range                d) the Pennine Chain 

6. What river is the longest in Britain?


    a) The Thames                                           c) the Tay

    b) the Severn                                              d) the Tweed 

7. What is the Loch?

     a) A person who is not clever                   c) a valley

      b) a lake                                                  d) a river  

8. What is the currency of the country?

     a) pound, consisting of 100 pence            c) pound, consisting of 100 cents

     b) dollar, consisting of 100 nickels          d) pound, consisting of 100 nickels


9. What bird is the national bird of the UK?

     a) blackbird                                                c) Robin Redbreast  

     b) sparrow                                                  d) starling 

10. What do Welshmen wear on St. David’s Day?

      a) a rose or a daffodil                                c) a leek or a daffodil

        b) a shamrock                                         d) a thistle or a leek 

11. What can we see on the Welsh flag?

       a) 3 crosses                                             c) a dragon

        b) a leek                                                 d) a daffodil  

12. When did Caesar come from Rome to Isles?

       a) 55 B.C.                                               c) 43 A.D.      

        b) 55 A.D.                                             d) 43 B.C. 

13. Who came to the British Isles after the Romans had left Britain?

       a) the Normans                                     c) the Britons  

       b) Anglo-Saxons                                  d) the Danes 

14. Who was the 1st king to be crowned in Westminster Abbey?

       a) King Alfred                                      c) Henry VIII  

       b) Henry VII                                        d) William the Conqueror  

15. What misfortune fell upon London in 1666?

      a) the Great Flood                                 c) the Great Fire 

       b) the Plague                                        d) the Great Earthquake 

16. Who is the head of the state in the U.K.?

       a) Prime Minister                                  c) Queen   

        b) Major                                              d) Speaker  

17. Who is the head of the government in the U.K.?

      a) Queen                                                  c) Lord Chancellor     

      b) Speaker                                               d) Prime Minister  

18. Which statement is the right one? The Queen …

      a) rules and governs                               c) reigns and  rules   

      b) reigns but does not  rule                    d) rules but does not reign 

19. What is the capital of Wales?

      a) London                                               c) Cardiff

      b) Edinburgh                                          d) Belfast  

20. Who elects the members of the House of Commons?

      a) Queen                                                c) electors  

      b) Prime Minister                                  d) House of Lords 

21. How often are elections held in the U.K.?

      a) once in five years                                c) once in three years

      b) once in four years                               d) once in six years 

22. Which part of London is the heart of business & commercial life of London?

      a) the City                                              c) the West End

      b) the East End                                      d) Westminster 

23. What monument can we see in the center of Trafalgar Square?

      a) the Statue of Eros                              c) the Monument to Queen Victoria

      b) the Nelson’s Column                        d) the Monument to Peter Pan. 

24. What is the crowning place of British monarchs?

      a) Westminster Abbey                           c) the Tower

      b) St. Paul’s Cathedral                          d) Buckingham Palace 

25. Which of the following holidays is not a bank holiday?

      a) Christmas Day                                  c) Easter Monday 

       b) St. Patrick’s Day                              d) Boxing Day  

26. What is the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

      a) Big Clock                                         c) Big Apple

      b) Big John                                          d) Big Ben       

27. What park is Speaker’s Corner in?

     a) Kensington Gardens                         c) Hyde Park

      b) St. James’s Park                              d) Green Park   

28. What London street is famous as the centre of journalists?

     a) Leicester Square                              c) Fleet Street

      b) Piccadilly Circus                            d) Bond Street  

29. When do Englishmen eat dinner?

      a) at 6 p.m.                                          c) at 9 p.m.

      b) at 11 a.m.                                        d) at 2 p.m. 

30. Wimbledon is associated with

      a) horse-racing                                    c) tennis

      b) soccer                                             d) cricket  

31. How many lakes are there in the Lake District?

      a) 10                                                   c) 16  

      b) 5                                                     d) 20 

32. Who is the patron of England?

      a) St. Patrick                                       c) St. Andrew

       b) St. George                                     d) St. David 

33. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?

     a) the Whigs                                      c) the Elephant 

     b) the Tories                                      d) the Liberals    

34. What is the emblem of the world famous Edinburgh Festival of Music and Drama?

     a) the poppy                                       c) the thistle 

      b) the daffodil                                   d) the leek   

35. What is a limerick?

     a) a song                                             c) a poem

      b) a game                                           d) a dance 

36. When did the country’s official name become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and a new national flag “Union Jack” was established? 

      a) 1801                                               c) 1535     

      b) 1927                                               d) 1921  

KEY: 1b 2a 3d 4a 5d 6b 7b 8a 9c 10c 11c 12a 13b 14d 15c 16c 17d 18b 19c 20c 21 a 22a 23b 24a 25b 26d 27c 28c 29a 30c 31c 32b 33a 34c 35c 36b. 



   Choose the right variant:

    1.     What country is Canada’s neighbour across the Arctic Ocean?

    a)     the USA

      b) Norway

     c) Russia

        d) the UK 

    2.     Within how many time zones does Canada stretch?


      a) 6 

     b) 5 

     c) 4 

      d) 3 

    3. How many provinces is Canada subdivided into?

      a) 3

      b) 10

      c) 8

      d) 4 

    4. How many oceans wash Canada’s shores?

      a) 1

      b) 2

      c) 3

      d) 4 

    5. What river is the longest in Canada?

      a) the Mackenzie

      b) the Columbia

      c) the Fraser

      d) the Saskatchewan 

    6. Where do the Appalachians stretch on Canada’s territory?

      a) In the west

      b) In the east

      c) In the south

      d) In the north 

    7. What is the highest mountain in Canada?

      a) The peak of St. Elias

      b) The peak of the Coast Rangers

      c)  Mount Logan

      d) Lenin Peak 

    8. What is the largest national park in Canada and in the world?

      a) Wood Buffalo

      b) Yoho National Park

      c) Mount Reverstoke National Park

      d) UK National Park 

    9. What is the capital of Canada?

      a) Ottawa

      b) Toronto

         c) Quebec

         d) Maitoba 

   10. What is Canada’s largest city?

      a) Ottawa

      b) Toronto

      c) Quebec

      d) Manitoba 

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