Тест по "Иностранному языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Сентября 2011 в 23:08, тест

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    11. Henry Hudson was…

      a) a famous writer

      b) an explorer

      c) a scientist

         d) a singer 

    12. What is a First Nation? It’s a term that replaces…


    a) the word Indian

      b) the word Inuit

      c) the word Metis

      d) the word Best 

   13. Who is Head of State?

      a) Parliament

      b) Queen of Britain represented by Governor General

      c) Prime Minister

      d) Speaker 

      14. How many members are there in the House of Commons? 

      a) 282

      b) 104

            c) 295

            d) over 1000 

      15. Members of which House are not elected in Canada?

               a) The House of Commons

               b) the Senate

               c) The House of Lords


   16. What University is a French language one? 

   a) New Brunswick

     b) Dulhousic

               c) Mc Gill

               d) Montreal  

    17.     What do the dates 1897-1899 refer to?

      a)     Gold Rush

      b)    growing manufacturing industry

      c)     growing agriculture

      d)    new provinces were established 

    18.     Canada’s constitutional autonomy from Britain was confirmed in

      a)     1949

      b)    1899

      c)     1931

      d)    1929 

    19.     The Queen of England and Canada, Elizabeth II

      a)     rules and governs

      b)    rules but does not govern

      c)     governs but does not rule   


    20.     How often are elections held in Canada?

      a)     once in 5 years

      b)    once in 4 years

      c)     once in 3 years

      d)    once in six years 

    21.     The Government is formed by...

      a)     the Queen

      b)    the party that wins the largest number of seats

      c)     by the Governor General

      d)    the Senate 

    22.     Who chooses the ministers from MPs?

      a)     the Queen

      b)    the Senate

      c)     the governor General

      d)    the Prime Minister 

    23.     Canada is a maritime country. What port is the largest in Canada?

      a)     Vancouver

      b)    Montreal

      c)     Halifax

      d)    Quebec 

    24.     What was Stephen Leacock?

      a)     a painter

      b)    a writer

      c)     a composer

      d)    a scientist 


    1. с            7. c             13. b             19. b
    2. b            8. a             14. c             20. a
    3. b            9. a             15. b             21. c
    4. c            10. b           16. a             22. d
    5. a            11. b           17. a             23. b
    6. c            12. a            18. c            24. b



   Choose the right variant:

    1.     Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest?

    a)     Sydney                                                  c)     Canberra

    b)    Melbourne                                             d)    Darwin 

    2.     What is the official language of Australia?

    a)     French                                                     c)     English

    b)    Mixed English and French                      d)    Spanish 

    3.     When were Olympic Games held in Sydney?

    a)     1999                                                         c) 2001

    b)    2000                                                         d) 2002 

    4.     When did Captain James Cook discover Australia?

    a)     1777                                                         c)     1717

    b)    1770                                                         d)    1771


    5.     What is Kevin Rudd?

    a)     a beggar                                                    c)     Prime Minister

    b)    a robber                                                     d)    a settler                

    6.     When did Australia become a nation within the British Empire under the queen Victoria’s rule?

    a)     1901                                                          c)     1851

    b)    1931                                                          d)    1909


    7.     What is Australia?

    a)     a continent                                                 c)     an island

    b)    a country                                                    d)    all of these


    8.     What city is situated on Port Phillip Bay?

    a)     Melbourne                                                 c)     Sydney

    b)    Canberra                                                    d)    Perth


    9.     Who was Australian opera diva?

    a)  Dame Joan Sutherland                              c)     William Batcher

    b)    Peter Dodds McCormick                          d)    Tom Albiker 

    10. What does the large seven – pointed star represent?

    a)     Southern Cross                                         c)     Six States and the Territories

    b)    The star above the Australian night sky   d)    doesn’t mean anything 

    11. What represents the historical link with Britain?

    a)     Crazy Jack                                              c)     The large star

    b)    Southern Cross                                       d)    Union Jack


   12. Whom was the Australian coat of arms granted by?

     a) Queen Victoria                                        c) King George

     b) Arthur Phillip                                         d) Baron Pierre de Coubertin 

   13. When did Europeans settle in Australia?

     a) 1488                                                          c) 1492

     b) 1788                                                          d) 1901 

   14. Which of the two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?

   a) kangaroo and dingo                                  c) kangaroo and emu

   b) kangaroo and koala                                  d) koala and parrot 

   15. Who are the Australian natives?

    a) Eskimos                                                     c) Indians

       b) Aborigines                                                d) Europeans 

   16.  Who discovered Australia?

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