Развертывание заголовков в вводные абзацы в англо-американской прессе

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Июня 2013 в 13:51, курсовая работа

Описание работы

В речевой жизни современного общества все большее значение приобретают средства массовой информации. В начале XXI столетия СМИ представляют собой наиболее интенсивно развивающуюся сторону речевой практики общества. Стремительно увеличивается объем ежедневно перерабатываемой информации, что, в свою очередь, провоцирует комплексное усложнение речевой структуры СМИ, углубление стилевой дифференциации текстов, изменение в сознании общества статуса информационной продукции.


Глава 1. Газетный стиль как разновидность функционального стиля
1.1 Понятие функционального стиля в современной лингвистике................6
1.2 Особенности газетного стиля.......................................................................8
Глава 2. Особенности современной англоязычной прессы
2.1 Структура газетной статьи.........................................................................13
2.2 Экспрессивные средства английского газетного заголовка....................16
Глава 3. Развертывание заголовков в вводные абзацы......................................21
Список использованной литературы...................................................................28

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Last year the Government announced that for the first time all primary school children will have to learn a foreign language from age seven. Currently about one in ten state primary schools offers no language lessons at all and a further 20 per cent only offer it to some year groups, according to the most recent official figures.

The move to make languages a requirement from age seven will take effect next year.


15 Feb 2013, The Telegraph


Приложение 8

Agency urges installing of beds at work

THE East of England Development Agency urged companies to consider installing beds in their workplace yesterday after a new survey revealed that people have their best ideas in bed.


A survey of 1,000 adults by the agency showed that one in 10 had their best ideas in work, compared with a third who thought of suggestions while in bed.

The agency advised firms to have flowers, plants, food and drinks in the office because research has shown that this can help generate ideas among staff.


6 September 2004, Morning Star

Приложение 9

Girl, 13, mauled in police dog attack

A GIRL of 13 has told how she was mauled by a police dog that escaped from its handler’s home.


Megan Hinchliff was bitten on the arms and legs when the German Shepherd attacked as she played in the street with friends.

She said: “I felt its teeth going in and it was growling. When it bit me I could see its teeth in the flesh in my arm.”

Megan tried to get away from the dog by climbing on to a wheelie bin, but it sank its teeth into her left thigh and dragged her down.

She added: “It wouldn’t let me go. All of my friends were screaming.”  Two passing men dragged the dog off but only after getting bitten themselves.

Megan, of Glossop, Derbys,has been left with scars on her arms and leg — but has begged police not to put the dog down.

She said: “That is cruelty — I don’t like dogs getting hurt.”

Mum Lisa, 31, said: “When I heard about it I was hysterical.

“But by that time Megan was already in my sister’s car and on her way to the hospital. They came to get me on the way. Megan was in the back seat. Her arms were bleeding.”

Police said the dog had been in another attack before it was recaptured. It is being kept in a secure place while its fate is decided.


18 Feb 2013, The Sun


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