Development of software application for logistics manager

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Мая 2013 в 07:45, реферат

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Now more and more companies require reception of the operative information depending on demanded conditions on a certain instant. Thus the information should be received as soon as possible with the minimum expenses of money resources, with maximum metrics of reliability, accuracy and objectivity. Connected with this operations in logistics sphere did not become an exception.
The logistics is an optimal control of the commodity-material streams followed from the supplier to the consumer and linked to them by informational, financial and service streams on the basis of a system approach for the purpose of abbreviation of time and costs in a chain of deliveries of the goods.

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It is characteristic for the small organizations which cannot have the experts in the field of the information technology, occupied a full time, and resort to services of advisers. Advantage of the given way of the organization of system of a supply with information is high level of scientific and methodical developments, disadvantage - complexity of the registration of specific features of the object.

The choice of this or that way of the organization of system of a supply with information depends on many factors, first of all from the sizes of the organization existing in it of business processes, presence of free money resources. We will mark: the supply with information system has reached now such level of specialization that demands attention to the organization are modern heads understand. Therefore any small organization incorporates information services. The intelligence system necessary for adequate performance of functions of logistics, should meet following requirements:

• informational streams should be compatible in the informational ratio;

• internal interrelations and complementarities of informational streams should have cause and effect character;

• hierarchical subordination of informational streams to should be accurate;

• property of integrations  should be inherent in an intelligence system.


1.1.2 Principles and the levels of information logistic system.

The principles must be placed as the basis of the construction of logistic information system:

1. Completeness and the fitness of information for the user. Logistic manager must have available the necessary and complete (sufficient) information for decision making, moreover in the form necessary for him. For example, information about reserves or orders of users frequently needs preliminary processing and is usually placed not, where logistic manager is made decision.

2. Accuracy. The accuracy of initial information has fundamental value for making of correct decisions. For example, information about the level of reserves in the distribution network in the contemporary logistic systems allows not more than 1% errors or uncertainties for adopting the effective solutions in the physical distribution, the creation of reserves and the satisfaction of consumer needs. Great significance has a accuracy and a authenticity of initial data for predicting of demand, planning of the needs for the material resources and etc.

3. Timeliness. The logistics information should arrive in management system in time as it is demanded by many logistics technologies especially grounded on the concept "is exact in time". Timeliness of the information is important practically for all complex logistics functions. Besides, many tasks in transportation, operational management, handle of orders and stores dare in real-time mode ("on line"). Same numerous tasks of logistics monitoring demand also. Requirements of timeliness of arrival and information processing are realized by modern logistics technologies of scanning, satellite navigation, shaped coding, and implementation of standards EDI/EDIFACT.

4. Degree of orientation. The information in information logistics should be routed system on revealing of additional possibilities of improvement of quality of production, tools, lowering of logistics costs. Ways of reception, transmission, mapping and information preprocessing should promote revealing of "bottlenecks", spares of saving of resources, etc.

5. Flexibility. The information circulating in a logistics intelligence system, should be adapted for concrete users, have the appearance most convenient for their. It concerns both firm personnel, and logistics intermediaries and end users. Paper and electronic document circulation, intermediate and output forms, reports, helps and other documents should be as much as possible adapted for requirements of all participants of logistics process and are adapted for the possible dialog mode for many users.

6. Suitable data format. Data format and the messages, applied in computer and telecommunication networks of a logistics intelligence system, should use as much as possible effectively productivity of means (a memory size, speed, capacity etc.). Sorts and forms of documents, layout of accessories on paper documents, dimension of the data and other parameters should facilitate information machining. Besides, informational compatibility of computer and telecommunication systems of logistics intermediaries and other users on data formats in a logistics information system is necessary.

The formation of information system in the logistics is accomplished according to the hierarchical principle, moreover in the logistic information systems the numeration of the levels begins from the lowest. This principle is accepted for the purpose to ensure the possibility of the growth of information system with more high ranks and its starts as the subsystem in the generalizing systems and the network of higher order, if in this need appears.

In accordance with this structural decomposition in the information systems in the logistics are separated three levels (Fig. 2):


Figure 2. Levels in the processes of logistics from the positions of the systems approach.

1. The first level - this is the level of the work site (in the broad sense), for example, of the place of storing, machine tool for the execution of mechanical processing, place or installation for the placement into the container and marking and others One or other logistic operation or another with the controlled material flow is accomplished at this level, namely its element (component, single packing, working table- satellite or any other unit of load) is moved, is overloaded, is packed, is passed one or other working or another.

2. The second level - this is the level of production section, shop, storage and others, where the processes of working, packing and transport of the units of load occur and work sites are placed.

3. The third level - this is the system of transportation and displacement of the units of load in the entire productive- marketable system as a whole from loading of raw material, materials and components to the delivery of finished articles to users and calculations for them.

Levels of industrial-marketing system and manual to which there correspond the levels of an intelligence system, define functional and operation completeness of informational subsystems.

On an information system top level the planning informational subsystem is realized. Here administration of the common material stream on purpose is exercised logistics to organize the industrial-marketing activity routed on the most effective satisfaction of requirements of the market.

At the second level of information system are represented the so-called dispositive (disposite - to place, to manage) information subsystems. These subsystems detail the plans, comprised at the upper level and are led they to the level of separate production sections, shops, storages mechanized to one degree or another and other production subdivisions and T. p., and also determine the methods of operations of these subdivisions.

The so-called executive information subsystems are placed at the lower level of information systems. They lead tasks, rules and instructions to the concrete work sites and the executors, monitor also the motion of technological process at the work sites and ensure feedback, forming primary information from these work sites.

Let us note that the planning, dispositive and executive subsystems are connected with straight and reverse vertical information traffics.

Separate series of problems inside functional the subsystems indicated are connected with horizontal information traffics.


1.1.3 Basic directions of informational-technical support of logistics systems

By information and technical base of control systems is understood the totality of the interconnected means and methods, which ensure the preparation of information for decision making: data collection and their primary processing, checking of authenticity, storage and the transmission of data, their renovation and correction with the application of the necessary mathematical methods.

The information and technical guarantee of logistic systems is characterized by not the nature of information and the collection of technical tools, utilized for their the processing, but by methods and by the principles, utilized for their construction. This respectively affects the change   information flows, volumes and directions, on the procedure of the selection of most technical means of control, in particular to:

  •  determination of the functions of control systems of material and flow of money, the determination of the composition of the necessary information and the establishment of its periodicity, appearance and use

• designing of procedures of standard and non-standard messages, on processes of design, ordering and the analysis of all informational materials.

Basic purpose of the construction of the information and technical base of logistic systems - to be incorporated in the structure of control and to become its integral part. In this case by the special feature of the logistics of the construction of the information and technical base of the systems of this kind in comparison with the traditional systems of the automation of control it consists in the fact that it, from one side, is directed toward raising the technical level of control systems, and with another - it imposes new requirements on the methods of economic control of objects.

As a result logistic construction the information and technical base of control systems must make it possible to conduct analysis and adoption controlling influence on the object under the conditions for the assigned purposes and established processes of information nature.

By the basic factors, connected with the construction it is information - logistic systems, they appear:

1) Conditions for interaction of the systems between themselves and environment.

2) The creation of the model of the organization of information and technical guarantee, by which understand the hierarchy of subjects, who make decisions, their right, the reaction time and the regimes of interaction.

3) Presence of the economic and mathematical model of planning, forecasting, management and analysis of state.

4) Development of calculated algorithms for the economic and mathematical models.

5) Presence of the necessary complex of technical equipment, including computer organizational technology and communication system.

6) Applied software of entering of data in the system, their storage, distribution for the purpose of the optimization of the actions of the controlling personnel.

The logistic systems for control are directed toward an increase in the effectiveness in the motion of material and flow of money. Construction of the information and technical bases of the systems indicated to called ensure the comprehensive integration of all parts of control system, their operational and reliable cooperation.


1.1.4  Hierarchy of the use of the logistic information system

Any structure of organization (enterprise) in general form presents the actually formalized system of decision making, independent of the nature of activity. Organization system usually determines the specific objectives, which must be solved by the appropriate services of enterprise (by subdivisions, by the components of production), and also is attached responsibility in the prevailing hierarchical system for control.

The logistic system of the organization of control establishes such order, with which information and information traffics between the separate organizational units folding on its basis have a nature of information lead. The purposeful nature of the anticipating information makes it possible to conduct within the framework administrations the objective systematic analysis of situations and to make the necessary decisions. Objects themselves and objects of control, being located in the process of functioning in the purposeful, information and organizational interrelation, form the united logistic system of control of processes.

At present, depending on the nature of the relations between the objects, by the structures of control, and also of their signs were formed the following basic forms of hierarchical organizational structures:  linear, linear-functional and matrix.

The information and technical bases of logistic systems, being entered in organizational the structure of control accepted, introduce essential correctives into the interrelation of the structures of control, into their subordination and make them more receptive to the real procedures of decision making. In other words, this makes it possible, to first of all in the best way use physical and intellectual possibilities of person himself, nature of division of labor in the spheres of control, quantity of control levels and composition of the subdivisions entering in them, and to also determine the necessary requirements for them for the purpose of effective control of material and flow of money.

The synthesis of the information and technical bases, built on the logistic bases, and the organizational structures of control as a whole makes it possible to ensure:

1) the more effective organization of planning and management of material and flow of money and the clear distribution of tasks and control function, rights and responsibility between the structural components, the objects and the objects,

2) the best combination of human and machine it is sectional in control systems, to increase the effectiveness of preparation and adoption the solution, reliability and authenticity of mapping the actual state of processes in all components of material and flow of money,

3) working out optimum administrative solutions and the efficiency of their fulfillment.

For the purpose of the achievement of the stability of the synthesis of the structures of control and information and technical bases of the logistic systems for control it is necessary to clearly determine concrete composition and nature of the planning problems and management of material and flow of money, distributing them along the levels of hierarchical system and the structural elements.

Information and technical base of the logistic systems for control, being organically entered in the structure of the control of the concrete subdivisions of control, and also to interaction during agreement and estimation of final indices.

Thus, the logistics of information process, being entered in the organizational structure of control, gives to it the specific hardness and rationality, it manufactures in the concrete specialists for administration the habits of the high professional level of decision making.

A question of the interrelations between the subdivisions in the quite organizational structure of control of material and flow of money was traditionally considered one of the most complex questions in the guarantee of effectiveness in control. In this connection the use of logistic approaches during the construction of organizational structures makes it possible to evenly distribute tasks along the structural subdivisions and the levels of the administrations, which require the solution. In this case, the formation of vertical and horizontal interrelations must occur not on the customary hierarchical or functional basis, but on the basis of the development of the special economic-organizational models of solution of the administrative problems, which make it possible to centralize (or decentralize) administrative connections during the solution of specific objectives and to increase the responsibility of concrete subdivisions and specialists for the eventual results of solution of problems during control of material and flow of money. Hierarchy of the use of the logistic information system:

1) The level of specialists, who use system for decision making of

1- Anticipating level

2 - Controlling level

3- Management of average level

4- Management of higher level

2) The range of the use of information

5 - Processing operational data (transaction, answers to questions)

6- Information for the schedule planning and control

7- Controlled information for the tactical planning and decision making


1.2. Development tools

Following resources are used for project development:

1.Integrated Development Environment   Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

In computing, Microsoft Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.

Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source-control systems (like Subversion and Visual SourceSafe) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Team Foundation Server client: Team Explorer).

Visual Studio supports different programming languages by means of language services, which allow the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C/C++ (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic .NET), C# (via Visual C#), and F# (as of Visual Studio 2010[3]). Support for other languages such as M, Python, and Ruby among others is available via language services installed separately. It also supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS. Individual language-specific versions of Visual Studio also exist which provide more limited language services to the user: Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual J#, Visual C#, and Visual C++.

Microsoft Visual C#. Microsoft Visual C#, Microsoft's implementation of the C# language, targets the .NET Framework, along with the language services that lets the Visual Studio IDE support C# projects. While the language services are a part of Visual Studio, the compiler is available separately as a part of the .NET Framework. The Visual C# 2008 compiler supports version 3.0 of the C# language specifications. Visual C# supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others.

Advantages of usage of Microsoft Visual Sudio:

  • More effective work with the data. With writing of the code, which works with the sources of data, for developers it, as a rule, was necessary to study new technology or paradigm of access to the data for each source. LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) - this is the collection of lingual expansions for C# and Visual Basic and for the infrastructure .NET Of framework 3.5. It makes it possible to use unified approach and to write less than the code with the fulfillment of demands and conversions, which are rotated to the collections of objects, ADO.NET, with XML- given and relational data from the bases Microsoft SQL Server. To programmers, who use LINQ, are accessible all means Visual Studio 2008, which automate process of development: the auto-completion of operators, automatic correction during the intellectual compilation and the technology IntelliSense. All this makes it possible to expend less than the time on the study of the syntax of access to the data in the languages like T-SQL or XPATH and to be concentrated on data processing.
  • Programming in different languages. The environment of Visual Studio supports several most popular in the world languages of programming, including Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++ and JavaScript. Therefore it is suitable to the wide circle of developers for writing of the most different applications. The solutions for Visual Studio, created are more than 200 by strange companies, they ensure support of additional languages and many other possibilities, making it possible to master new languages, to improve its habits, to solve unique business- tasks and to be occupied by different projects, employing the same customary means.
  • The more convenient user interfaces. Visual designers Visual Studio 2008 make it possible to create the powerful and attractive applications, based on Windows Presentation Foundation - to graphic subsystem .NET Of framework 3.5, which uses possibilities of contemporary video card. 
  • Development of the connected solutions and the ordering of the business- processes.  With the aid of the graphic designer and the diagnostic routine for Windows Communication Foundation, entering Visual Studio 2008, the developers can easily connect systems or applications. Regardless of the fact, what protocols and transports are used, for the programming adapts general API. Analogously tools of Windows Workflow Foundation make it possible to simulate software of the real business- processes, allowing tools, with the aid of which simple to visualize, to create, to edit and to fix working processes with the participation of people or devices.

2.Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2 is a new version of a very powerful editor that has primarily flown under the radar since 2008. Originally created for Windows, the new beta version is now also available for Mac and also Linux-based platforms. The version 2.0 is available in beta, but is very stable, and even the developer releases are extremely solid and updated almost daily. I propose that you should check out ST2 and consider it as your daily go-to editor. This article is intended to show off some of the great features of this modern and constantly evolving text editor.

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