Development of software application for logistics manager

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Мая 2013 в 07:45, реферат

Описание работы

Now more and more companies require reception of the operative information depending on demanded conditions on a certain instant. Thus the information should be received as soon as possible with the minimum expenses of money resources, with maximum metrics of reliability, accuracy and objectivity. Connected with this operations in logistics sphere did not become an exception.
The logistics is an optimal control of the commodity-material streams followed from the supplier to the consumer and linked to them by informational, financial and service streams on the basis of a system approach for the purpose of abbreviation of time and costs in a chain of deliveries of the goods.

Работа содержит 1 файл

Introduction .docx

— 5.38 Мб (Скачать)

  new Array (43.25377560004194, 76.94162262065129, 0.000002,5000, 0, 0,43.2528740429324, 76.94174063784794, 0.000002,43.253117259545235, 76.94517520649151, 0.000008,43.25489300441574, 76.9449753819199, 0.000005,43.254623422719604, 76.94150460345463, 0.000010)


function init(){

var selectmenu=document.getElementById("mymenu").value;


var qwe;

lat[0] = marshrut[selectmenu][0];

lng[0] = marshrut[selectmenu][1];

  lat[1] = marshrut2[selectmenu][0];

  lng[1] = marshrut2[selectmenu][1];

for(qwe = 2; qwe < marshrut[selectmenu].length-3; qwe++){

route1.push([marshrut[selectmenu][qwe], marshrut[selectmenu][qwe+1], marshrut[selectmenu][qwe+2]]);



for(qwe = 2; qwe < marshrut2[selectmenu].length-3; qwe++){

route2.push([marshrut2[selectmenu][qwe], marshrut2[selectmenu][qwe+1], marshrut2[selectmenu][qwe+2]]);


    var myLatlng0 = new google.maps.LatLng(lat[0],lng[0]);

    var myLatlng1 = new google.maps.LatLng(lat[1],lng[1]);

    var myOptions = {

      zoom: 15,

      center: myLatlng0,

      mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP


    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);

        var image0 = '1.png';

    marker[0] = new google.maps.Marker({

        position: myLatlng0,

        map: map,

        title:"Bus 1",

        icon: image0


    var image1 = '2.png';

    marker[1] = new google.maps.Marker({

        position: myLatlng1,

        map: map,

        title:"Bus 2",

        icon: image1


if (go) {

        go = false;

      } else {

        go = true;




    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'rightclick', function(event) {

      alert( + ", " + event.latLng.lng());



  function start(busNo)


    if (go) {

      if (busNo == 0) {

        if (counter[busNo] == route1.length) {

          counter[busNo] = 0;


        var newLat = route1[counter[busNo]][0];

        var newLng = route1[counter[busNo]][1];

        var step = route1[counter[busNo]][2];

      } else {

        if (counter[busNo] == route2.length) {

          counter[busNo] = 0;


        var newLat = route2[counter[busNo]][0];

        var newLng = route2[counter[busNo]][1];

        var step = route2[counter[busNo]][2];


      if (step == 0) {


        setTimeout(function(){start(busNo);}, newLat);

      } else {


        var y = lat[busNo] - newLat;

        var x = lng[busNo] - newLng;

        var sin = y / Math.sqrt(y*y + x*x);

        var cos = x / Math.sqrt(y*y + x*x);

        var stepY = sin * step;

        var stepX = cos * step; 



          if ((Math.abs(x) > stepX*3)&(Math.abs(y) > stepY*3)) {

              curLat = newLat;

              curLng = newLng;

              lat[busNo] -= stepY;

              lng[busNo] -= stepX;

            var position = new google.maps.LatLng(lat[busNo],lng[busNo]);



          } else {




          }, 15);






<body >


  <select id="mymenu" size="1" onchange='javascript:init();'>

<option value="nothing" selected="selected">choose the route</option>

<option value=0>route #105</option>

<option value=1>route #34</option>

<option value=2>route #16</option>

<option value=2>route #99</option>

<option value=2>route #98</option>

<option value=2>route #105</option>

<option value=2>route #35</option>

<option value=2>route #65</option>

<option value=2>route #100</option>

<option value=2>route #82</option>

<option value=2>route #81</option>

<option value=2>route #48</option>

<option value=2>route #121</option>

<option value=2>route #29</option>

<option value=2>route #31</option>

<option value=2>route #79</option>


<input type='button' value='stop' onClick="javascript: window.location.reload(true);" id='test_but'>

  <div id="map_canvas" style="width:100%; height:100%"><iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" src=";ll=43.265066,76.946418&amp;spn=0.01275,0.018561&amp;z=16&amp;output=embed" width="100%"></iframe></div>



Информация о работе Development of software application for logistics manager