Звукоподражание в современном английском языке

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Сентября 2011 в 08:17, реферат

Описание работы

Цель исследования – выявление основных функциональных закономерностей и значений звукоподражательных единиц.

Для достижения указанной цели, были поставлены следующие задачи:
Выявить основные функции звукоподражательных единиц в тексте.
Классифицировать ономатопы по классификации Г. В. Горбаневской [7]
Классифицировать звукоподражательные единицы по принципу прямого\переносного значения.


Содержание 2
Введение 3
Глава 1. Агломераты звукоподражательных единиц 5
1.1 Общее понятие звукоподражания 5
1.2 Особенности звукоподражаний в английском языке 8
1.3 Роль звукоподражаний в художественной литературе 9
1.4 Основные характеристики агломератов звукоподражаний 10
Глава 2. Особенности употребления агломератов звукоподражательных единиц 14
2.1 Функции звукоподражаний 14
2.1.1 Звукоподражания, обозначающие звуки природы 14
2.1.2 Звукоподражания, производимые различными предметами 16
2.1.3 Звукоподражания, производимые человеком и животными 17
2.2 Анализ звукоподражаний 23
Заключение 28
Библиографический список 30

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  Простейшие  агломераты звукоподражательных единиц состоят из двух ономатопов и встречаются наиболее часто, напр.: Не accepted and we forced our way into the buffet where we yelled, stamped   and   waved   our   umbrellas   for   a   quarter   of  an   hour.

  Существуют  также многосоставные агломераты, которые представляют собой скопление трех и более ономатопов, причем по количеству звукоподражательных единиц в их составе такие агломераты можно разделить на следующие группы:

  • трехсоставные агломераты, напр.: The little voice sighed deeply; it was very unhappy, evidently. Alice would have said something pitying to comfort it. “If it would only sigh like other people!” she thought.
  • четырехсоставные агломераты, напр.: I kept my eye on the two young students and followed them. When they tittered, I tittered; when they roared, I roared.
  • пятисоставные агломераты, напр.: “She boxed the Queen's ears” – the Rabbit began. Alice laughed out loud. “Oh! Hush!” the Rabbit whispered. “The Queen will hear you! You see she came rather late and the Queen said...” “Get to your places!” shouted the Queen in a voice of thunder.
  • более пяти элементов в агломерате, напр.: I kept my eye on the two young students and followed them. When they tittered, I tittered; when they roared, I roared. I also threw in a little snigger all by myself now and then, as if I had seen a bit of humor that had escaped the others. […] These other people also tittered, roared when the young men roared: as the two young men tittered and roared and exploded with laughter pretty continuously all through the song, it went exceedingly well.

  Многосоставные агломераты звукоподражательных единиц широко применяются в текстах художественной литературы, при этом количество составляющих их ономатопов может достигать значительных величин.

  Помимо  классификации агломератов звукоподражательных  единиц, основанной на количестве ономатопов, составляющих агломерат, возможна также их классификация по другим признакам.

  Горохова  классифицирует агломераты звукоподражательных единиц на две группы:

  • гомогенные (скопление однокоренных ономатопов), напр.: And she sniffed her usual sniff of displeasure.
  • гетерогенные (скопление     ономатопов,     не объединенных общим корнем), напр.: "It is the voice of my child! The White Queen cried out as she rushed past the King, so violently that she knocked him over among the cinders.

  Агломераты  ономатопов несут в тексте самостоятельную  функциональную нагрузку. При этом существуют некоторые различия в  функционировании гомогенных и гетерогенных агломератов.

  В частности, гетерогенные агломераты могут служить:

  • для создания у читателя яркого психоакустического образа;
  • для отражения градации звучания (изменение высоты, тембра или громкости звучания);
  • для      привлечения      внимания      читателя      к      определенным индивидуальным особенностям героев;
  • для изображения мыслительных операций.

В художественной литературе наиболее употребительны гетерогенные двусоставные агломераты звукоподражательных единиц.


Глава 2. Особенности  употребления агломератов звукоподражательных единиц

 2.1 Функции звукоподражаний


     Из  художественной литературы было отобрана 81 единица звукоподражания, которая была классифицирована следующим образом:

  1. звукоподражания, которые обозначают звуки природы, издаваемые ветром, дождем, бурей и др.
  2. звукоподражания, производимые различными предметами, а также   машинами, аппаратами и др.
  3. звукоподражания, обозначающие звуки, издаваемые человеком и животными. [7]

 Рассмотрим  особенности употребления ономатопов в художественной литературе и классифицируем их по классификации Горбаневской, добавив к этой классификации классификацию по прямому и переносному значениям звукоподражаний.

 2.1.1 Звукоподражания, обозначающие звуки природы

 Прямое  значение звукоподражаний

  1. echo

 Now to cause laughter to echo from those lavish jungles and frowing crags where formerly rang the cries of pirate's victims; to lay aside pike and cutlass and attack with quip and jollity; to draw one saving titter of mirth from the rusty casque of Romance – this were pleasant to do in the shade of the lemon-trees on that coast that is curved like lips set for smiling. [2] 

  1. tap

 It tapped on the yellow hood of the boy's slicker, sounding to his ears like rain on a shed roof . . . a comfortable, almost cozy sound. [3]

  1. flick

 He could hear his mother playing the piano, not For Elise now but something else he didn't like so well - something that sounded dry and fussy; he could hear rain flicking steadily against the kitchen windows. [3]

  1. rustle

 The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful; and I heard an owl, away off, who-whooing about somebody that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog crying about somebody that was going to die; and the wind was trying to whisper something to me, and I couldn't make out what it was, and so it made the cold shivers run over me. [7]

  1. thunder

 Why, they rub an old tin lamp or an iron ring, and then the genies come tearing in, with the thunder and lightning a-ripping around and the smoke a-rolling, and everything they're told to do they up and do it. [7] 

 Переносное  значение звукоподражаний

  1. rattle

 Over his head, a grim gust of October wind rattled the trees, now almost completely unburdened of their freight of colored leaves by the storm, which had been this year a reaper of the most ruthless sort. [3]

  1. roar

 The Dyea River as of old roared turbulently down to the sea; but its ancient banks were gored by the feet of many men, and these men labored in surging rows at the dripping tow-lines, and the deep-laden boats followed them as they fought their upward way. [4]


  2.1.2 Звукоподражания,  производимые различными  предметами

 Прямое  значение звукоподражаний

  1. jingle

 Their buckles made a jolly jingling as George Denbrough ran toward his strange death. [3]

  1. whistle

 The boat nearly whistled along the diagonal channel, just a page torn from the Classified section of the Derry News, but now George imagined it as a FT boat in a war movie, like the ones he sometimes saw down at the Derry Theater with Bill at Saturday matinees. [3]

  1. scrape

 They both looked in the direction of the parlor, listening for the piano-bench to scrape back, listening for their mother's impatient footsteps. [3]

  1. scratch

 For half an hour the pen scratched without stopping. [5]

  1. zip
  2. splash

 Zip!  Splash!  She shook the water from her eyes, squirming the while as some of it ran down her warm back. [4]

  1. boom

 Well, after a long time I heard the clock away off in the town go boom-boom-boom – twelve licks; and all still again – stiller than ever. [7]

  1. scrape

 We went tiptoeing along a path amongst the trees back towards the end of the widow's garden, stooping down so as the branches wouldn't scrape our heads. [7]


  1. click

 Miss Fromsett's elegant hand moved over her papers and the muted peep of the kitten at the PBX was audible at moments, and the little click of the plugs going in and out. [1]

  1. phooey

 His door closed on the pneumatic closer and made a sound like "phooey." [1]

  1. screech

 Mingled with harsh high voices as of birds of prey, and the shrill neighing of horses wild with rage and fear, there came a rending screech, shivering, rising swiftly to a piercing pitch beyond the range of hearing. [6]

  1. thud

 Iron wheels revolved there endlessly, and hammers thudded. [6] 

 Переносное  значение звукоподражаний

  1. snore
  2. gutter

 The tall, red, iron-clamped pump-beam rose and fell, and the pumps snored and guttered and shrieked as the first water poured out of the pipe. [5]

  1. jangling

 The “two-circle” and the “circle-and-dot” brands caused endless jangling, while every whipsaw discovered a dozen claimants. [4]

  1. tremble

 And in her eyes there was always a smiling light, just trembling on the verge of dawn. [4]

 2.1.3 Звукоподражания, производимые человеком и животными

 Прямое  значение звукоподражаний

  1. hue
  2. cry

 Even with the hundred thousand unfound, though they greatly coveted, the hue and cry went no further than that. [2]

  1. bark

 "Whatcha want?" he barked. [1]

  1. laughter
  2. titter

 Now to cause laughter to echo from those lavish jungles and frowing crags where formerly rang the cries of pirate's victims; to lay aside pike and cutlass and attack with quip and jollity; to draw one saving titter of mirth from the rusty casque of Romance – this were pleasant to do in the shade of the lemon-trees on that coast that is curved like lips set for smiling. [2]

  1. scream

 The waves swished along the smooth beach; the parrots screamed in the orange and ceiba-trees; the palms waved their limber fronds foolishly like an awkward chorus at the prima donna's cue to enter. [2]

  1. shriek

 A native boy dashed down a grass-grown street, shrieking:  “Busca el Senor Goodwin. Ha venido un telegrafo por el!” [2]

  1. carol

 Knots of women with complexions varying from palest olive to deepest brown gathered at street corners and plaintively carolled: “Un telegrafo por Senor Goodwin!” [2]

  1. robustious
  2. clamor
  3. shout

 When the meaning of the disturbance became clear to him he placed a hand beside his mouth and shouted:  "Hey! Frank!" in such a robustious voice that the feeble clamor of the natives was drowned and silenced. [2]

  1. growl

 It, growling deeply – he would hear the growl in those lunatic seconds before it pounced on him and unzipped his guts. [3]

  1. bang

 It banged gustily. [3]

  1. slam

 The piano had come to a stop, and his mom's voice floated to him: “Georgie, can't you slam that door a little harder next time? Maybe you could break some of the plates in the Welsh dresser, if you really tried.” [3]

  1. snot

 “W-What a fool you are, Juh-Georgie,” Bill said, amiably enough, and pushed back some of the sick-stuff on his night table: an empty glass, a pitcher of water, Kleenex, books, a bottle of Vicks VapoRub - the smell of which Bill would associate all his life with thick, phlegmy chests and snotty noses. [3]

  1. whisper

 There followed a whispered conversation of the sort which means very little to anyone save small boys. [3]

  1. cough

 Bill's laughter turned into a coughing fit. [3]

  1. yell

 “No, no, no!” he yelled, dismayed. [3]

  1. cry out

 Then one of his feet slipped and he went sprawling, skinning one knee and crying out in pain. [3]

  1. giggle

 George giggled. “I guess so.” [3]

  1. croon
  2. chuckle

 “They float,” the thing in the drain crooned in a clotted, chuckling voice. [3] 

  1. applause

 The long lame gaps in his plays he filled up with hasty words of apology and description and swept on, seeing all that he intended to do so clearly that he esteemed it already done, and turned to me for applause. [5]

  1. sigh

 Then Charlie sighed and tugged his hair. [5]

  1. babble

 But Charlie babbled on serenely, interrupting the current of pure fancy with samples of horrible sentences that he purposed to use. [5]

  1. sniff

 An elderly gentleman called away from his lunch put an end to my search by holding the note-paper between finger and thumb and sniffing at it scornfully. [5]

  1. mutter

 “Guess I'd be in a hurry myself,” he muttered, sympathetically, as he piloted her along the crowded deck. [4]

  1. proclaim

 Everybody was in everybody else's way; nor was there one who failed to proclaim it at the top of his lungs. [4]

  1. rap

 Mr. Thurston gripped tight hold of the gunwale, and as reward for his chivalry had his knuckles rapped sharply by the oar-blade. [4]

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