Эвфемизм как явление языка

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Января 2012 в 19:52, курсовая работа

Описание работы

В каждом языке есть слова, употребление которых инстинктивно или намеренно избегают, так как они считаются неприятными, грубыми или невежливыми. Поэтому люди часто используют заменители таких единиц, называющиеся эвфемизмами.


1.1. Понятийный и лингвистический аспекты эвфемизма.
1.1.1. Проблема эвфемии в работах отечественных и зарубежных лингвистов.
1.1.2. Определение и функции эвфемизмов.
1.1.3. Языковые способы и средства выражения эвфемии.
1.2. Общественно-политическая лексика как сфера употребления эвфемизмов.
1.3. Базовые компоненты общественно-политического эвфемизма.
1.4. Эвфемизмы как способ языкового воплощения стратегии речевого воздействия.
Выводы по первой главе.
2.1. Виды и функции эвфемизмов в английских общественно-политических текстах.
2.2. Роль эвфемии общественно-политического содержания в реализации стратегии речевого воздействия.
Выводы по второй главе.

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Список периодических изданий 

See: P.W. Singer, "Above Law, Above Decency" | For more: P. W. Singer, Corporate Warriors: Rise of the Privatized Military Industry (Cornell,2004)

Al Martinez, columnist of the Los Angeles Times (September 6, 2004) reflected on the current language of war:

Военные эвфемизмы: язык, павший на поле боя ("The Times", Великобритания)

Филип Ховард / Philip Howard, 15 марта 2003 Posted by: stealth Sep 11 2003, 16:30 


В результате применения разработанной методики был составлен словарь-справочник (англо-русский тезаурус политических эвфемизмов), который может быть использован при изучении других аспектов политической эвфемии, а также в качестве справочного пособия теми, кто читает англоязычную прессу или работает с ней.

Приложение  представляет собой лексикографическое издание — «Англорусский тезаурус политических эвфемизмов: словарь-справочник».

     различных языков и периодов развития общества.

     В Ilриложении 1 представлена таблица  эвфемистических единиц, возникших  в рамках речеповеденческой тактики  «дипломатического» языка («отрицательные»  эвфемизмы).

     25 Приложение 2 составляет перечень эвфемистических единиц, возникших в рамках идеологии полит корректности. 

       However, there will always be room for that legally-crafted statement. What's funny though, is that when they write that careful and bland sentence to say one thing, we all read it another way. Here are some examples.

In the case of a disagreement or debate on a sensitive topic:

They Write: We don't want to rush to judgement

We Read: We're not changing our minds.

They Write: We respect their opinion.

We Read: They're idiots.

They Write: The best course of action is to step back, let all parties have their say, and then build a consensus.

We Read: We're going to stall for time so we can continue to spin our position while discrediting our opposition under the false pretense that we care what they have to say.

In the case of a scandal:

They Write: It has been brought to our attention.

We Read: It's been all over the internet for weeks, but we just noticed it.

They Write: Our internal investigation has revealed.

We Read: We had a corporate-wide cover-your-ass session.

They Write: We're currently exploring all our options.

We Read: We have no idea what we're going to do.

They Write: We're re-stating our earnings.

We Read: We got caught.

They Write: We're preparing a statement

We Read: We have dozens of lawyers writing a paragraph that will hopefully deflect all blame and absolve us from any wrong-doing.

They Write: Our general counsel assures me...

We Read: The general counsel is pushing me to the wolves while he escapes to Brazil.

They Write: ...that we will prevail

We Read: We're screwed.

They Write: We're working with the proper regulatory agencies at this time.

We Read: We're really screwed and have tuned to bribes, blackmail, etc.

In the case of a employee departure:

They Write: He has left to pursue other interests.

We Read: He was fired.

They Write: I'm genuinely excited about the opportunities available to me.

We Read: Wow, I have no job, what am I going to do?

They Write: We wish him the best.

We Read: Our lawyers are waiting to revoke his severance should he violate his NDA.

In the case of a merger/acquisition:

They Write: Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

We Read: We're so desperate that we overpaid.

or We Read: We got such a deal, but we don't want to crush the ego's of the previous owners once everybody realizes they left money on the table.

They Write: It will allow our best minds to work together.....

We Read: The best minds are already packing their bags and leaving to work together on a new startup.....

They Write: ....for the long-term health of the company

We Read: ....they'll end up buying/crushing us in a few years.

Filed in: Public Relations

Visitor Comments

One that I had the pleasure of experiencing:

They say: As a result of this merger, there will be no layoffs.

We hear: We got acquired and soon to be fired. 

From:  Canadian Encyclopedia, 1988 Article on Assemblies of Christians, pg 424

The following euphemisms are from the February, 1995 Reader's Digest, Page 106, written by Steve Salerno in Los Angeles Times Magazine: 

"Oh, Wheelie?"

"Southern California is home to many publications devoted to helping people sell their used cars. The listings have a vocabulary all their own; understanding it is essential to avoid getting lemonized.

What it says -  What it means:

Must sell  -  Before it blows up.

Runs fine  -  I was going to say "runs excellent," but I had a last-minute conscience attack.

Needs some body work  -  Was blindsided by a Winnebago.

Well-maintained  -  I changed the oil occasionally.

Looks like new  -  Just don't try to drive it anywhere.

All original  -  I never had anything fixed, adjusted or replaced.

Loaded with options  -  Each one more troublesome than the next.

Never smoked in  -  Unfortunately, that's the best thing I can say about it.

Project car  -  Doesn't run.    Lots of potential  -  Doesn't run.      Needs minor repair  -  Doesn't run."

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